A new Senior Citizen Development has been proposed that will be located on the edge of North Royalton, on Sprague Road, just west of State Road. The development, however, cannot move forward until two parcels are rezoned.
Mayor Bob Stefanik introduced legislation at the December 5 City Council meeting that would allow for this rezoning to be placed on the May ballot. In order for that to happen, the measure must first be reviewed and approved by the city’s Planning Commission. If the legislation passes that hurdle, it must then be approved by City Council. At that point, the measure would be placed on the ballot for the vote of the people. This process is done in accordance with the city’s charter, which states that any change in zoning classification for a parcel that would allow for multi-family dwellings and/or increases the density that is permitted on that parcel in any residential district shall be submitted to the voters and requires a simple majority in order to take place.
The ordinance that was introduced is based on an application for zoning change request by Beachwood-based developer Omni, LLC and owner of the two parcels, the Gaitanaros family, who owns Athenian Village, a senior development on West 130 Street. The two parcels, one which is located on Ridgedale Drive and one which is located on Sprague Road, total 26.7 acres. There are no existing buildings on either parcel. The request states that the property will be “developed for Senior Residences consisting of Independent Living, Assisted Living, Villas and Memory Care.” The proposal notes that the access to the development will be from Sprague Road and that the rear yard of the site will be provided with a substantial buffer to surrounding single-family houses. Both Stefanik and North Royalton City Council President Larry Antoskiewicz feel that this project will move forward, saying that they felt that the proposed location would be beneficial for that type of development.
The legislation was placed on first reading and referred not only to the Planning Commission, but the Building and Building Codes Committee for further review. The Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing on the matter at its January 3 meeting. The meeting will take place at the North Royalton City Hall Council Chambers, 14600 State Road, with an open caucus at 6:45 p.m., and the open meeting starting at 7 p.m.

Contributing Writer