On Thursday, January 9, the North Royalton Board of Education held their annual Organizational Meeting. The members took their oath of office, as follows:
Terry DeLap (January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2021)
Heidi Dolezal (January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2023)
John Kelly (January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2023)
Anne Reinkober (January 1, 2020 through December 31, 2023)
Delap was elected to fill the unexpired term of Susan Clark, whose term expires next year.
John Kelly was then nominated as the 2020 Board President and Anne Reinkober as the Board Vice President. Both then took their oath of office for those positions. Kelly began his service on the North Royalton School Board in 2012. He also served as Board president in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2019 and two times as a Board vice president in 2017 and 2018. “It is an exciting time to be a member of the School Board as our construction moves quickly at the elementary and high school sites. I will continue to work diligently with all involved to make the process continue to stay on time and on budget,” said Kelly.
Dolezal has served 20 years on the North Royalton School Board. This is her sixth term of service in North Royalton. She served as president in 2001, 2002, 2008 and 2009. She was vice president in 2007. Dolezal looks forward to her new role as vice president. “I look forward to serving my fellow Board members in this role and thank them for their vote of confidence,” said Dolezal.
“I would like to thank Anne Reinkober for her service as vice president,” said Kelly. “Her analytical approach to problem solving and her thoroughness have helped me and helped the Board work through the many decisions associated with our ongoing construction.
She is a valuable member of our team.”
The following 2020 committee assignments were designated:
Buildings and Grounds: Heidi Dolezal
Business Advisory Council: Terry DeLap and John Kelly
Community Facility Advisory: John Kelly
Curriculum & Instruction and Pupil Services: Anne Reinkober
OSBA Legislative Liaison: Jackie Arendt
Recreation Board: John Kelly and Heidi Dolezal
Student Achievement: Jackie Arendt
Transportation Appeals: Terry DeLap and Anne Reinkober
Financial Advisory & Audit: Heidi Dolezal and John Kelly
Policy: Anne Reinkober and John Kelly
Cuyahoga Valley Career Center Representative: Jackie Arendt
The Regular Board of Education meetings for 2020 are scheduled at 7:00 p.m. on the following dates: February 10, March 9, April 13, May 11, June 8, July 13, August 10, September 14, October 12, November 16 and December 14. Meetings will be held at the Royal View gymnasium, with the exception of the meetings in June, July and August, which will take place at the Board of Education building.
The Board renewed the 2020 membership in the Ohio School Boards Association and approved Squire Patton Boggs, The Riley Law Firm and Ennis Britton Co., L.P.A. for legal counsel on an as-need basis for 2020. The Board acknowledged the following district support organizations:
A. Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs)
B. Parent Teacher Association Council
C. Band Boosters
D. Choir Boosters
E. Athletic Boosters
F. North Royalton Educational Foundation
G. North Royalton Stadium Foundation
The Board authorized the Superintendent/designee to employ such personnel as needed; apply for and coordinate all state and federal programs; serve as purchasing agent for the District; approve professional conferences. The superintendent is also authorized to determine when employees participation in a professional organization, service organization or other outside organization is in the best interest of North Royalton City Schools, and establish school fees.
The Board authorized the Treasurer to:
A. Make appropriation modifications within each fund to any other appropriation classification within such fund as the need may arise B. Pay all bills within the limits of the appropriations resolution as bills are received and when merchandise has been received in acceptable condition
C. Sign all checks (one signature) drawn on the Board of Education accounts
D. Waive the reading of the minutes of the last Board of Education meeting
E. Make advances and transfers as needed and report to the Board
F. Make investments with active funds, as they are available
Contributing Writer
School Board assignments are made
Royalton Recorder School Board assignments are madeJan 28, 2020