The 2024 Budget for the City of North Royalton was unanimously adopted by City Council at their final meeting in December. According to Ohio law, Council must adopt its yearly budget by March 31 of that year.
The measure was initially introduced in November and a special Finance Committee meeting took place on December 5 to discuss the budget. Council was presented with the budget, prepared by the Mayor and North Royalton Finance Director, Jenny Esarey after meetings with the various city department heads took place for input.
The proposed 2024 budget totals $59,182,520.00, up from the total in 2023 of $53,006,459.00. The yearly budget is broken down to the categories of personal service; contractual service; supply and materials; capital outlay, debt service; and other expenditures. The total 2024 revenues are projected at $57,728,941.00.
Overall, the city accommodated an estimated increase in the cost of medical benefits at 7% and a rate increase in Workers’ Compensation at 10%. It was noted in the budget that unless noted, there were no wage increases, due to the fact that at that time, active negotiations were still taking place and the final outcomes were not known. Once those negotiations are finalized, the 2024 Budget would then be amended.
Overall, the City’s budget is broken down into the General Fund and other funds, which are created, due to various requirements and restrictions, such as those required by the Ohio Revised Code, and enterprise funds, such as wastewater. Esarey explained that there are rules for certain revenues and expenditures, that are required by the Ohio Revised Code. Because they are a restructured use, they cannot be transferred. The monies received must be used for that authorized expenditure. The General Fund is a more fluid fund, where money can be transferred within it. For example, if a large unexpected expense comes up in one department that cannot be paid for within that department, the city has the ability to move funds from other departments to cover the cost.
The total 2024 General Fund budget is $23,744,706.00, up from last year at $21,438,416.00. The 2024 General Fund budget is broken down as follows: Police Department, $5,941,011.00; Animal Control, $197,330.00; Fire Department, $1,125,995.00; Police and Fire Communications, $1,304,795.00; Street Lighting, $121,500.00; Cemetery Department, $64,814.00; Parks and Recreation, $1,159.895.00; Planning Commission, $122,915.00; Board of Zoning, $7,305.00; Building Department, $1,005.660.00; Community Development, $282,295.00; Rubbish Collection: $1,925,000.00; Service Building, $161,100.00; Mayor’s Office, $390,640.00; Finance Department, $610,605.00; Legal Administration, $623,915.00; Engineering Department, $280,120.00; Legislative, $494,295.00; Mayor’s Court, $285,900.00; Civil Service, $25,130.00; City Hall Building, $600,700.00; and Other General Government, $6,763,7875.00.

Contributing Writer