The North Royalton Jail continues to be scrutinized by the city’s administration and City Council. They recently discussed the matter at a special Finance Committee meeting on Tuesday, July 14. Mayor Larry Antoskiewicz had announced the closing of the jail on April 29, due to budgetary concerns, but then on June 22, announced that it would remain open pending an opportunity for the Corrections Officers to reduce expenses and increase revenue.
The North Royalton jail is located in the North Royalton Police Department facility, which is located at the corner of Bennett and Royalton Roads. The facility was built in the early 1990s. The jail houses up to 18 full-time male and female prisoners and serves about nineteen communities that do not have access to their own jail. The North Royalton jail employs seven full-time employees and twelve part-time employees.
Antoskiewicz announced that he is forming a special fact finding commission to study the workings of the jail and provide the information to City Council. He nominated Matt Stuczynski, a Municipal Advisor who has provided the city with financial information for many years. He also appointed Ward 2 Council Representative Linda Barath and North Royalton Police Department Jail Administrator, Marty Toukonen.
The five person committee will “read, study and provide the information to Council,” said Antoskiewicz. He said he hopes to have the committee up and running soon, with the target of November to conclude and report their findings. Antoskiewicz said they will provide facts and information, not recommendations. Previous Ward 1 Council Representative, John Nickel, questioned whether the meetings will be public. Antoskiewicz stated that they would be.
Marnecheck asked the Mayor if the Council should still continue with the new fee schedule. Antoskiewicz said yes, they could be charging more while the committee does their work.
Council then discussed an ordinance that would raise the jail fee to $125 per day. Ward 5 Councilman Vince Weimer asked Toukonen how he arrived at $125. Toukonen responded,
“The $125 amount is the same amount that Parma was trying to establish with the City of North Royalton for their initial agreement. We also felt that the 64% increase from $80 to $125 was a fair increase for those agencies, who were already half way through their budgeted year.”
After the Finance Committee adjourned, and the regularly scheduled Council meeting took place, the ordinance that was discussed was then introduced and was unanimously adopted. The ordinance amends the city’s codified ordinances by increasing the cost of jail prisoner housing, as follows: Other govt prisoners (not less than $55 and not more than $100) $125
Private Pay Prisoners ($75 per day and $50 for any stay less than 8 hrs) $125 per day.
“Council and the Mayor will, together, review the progress of this effort in conjunction with the city budget review later in the year,” stated Antoskiewicz. He also noted at the Finance Committee meeting that the budget hearings will begin in the fall, with the goal of approving next year’s budget by the end of this year.

Contributing Writer