The North Royalton City Council unanimously adopted legislation at its December 6 meeting to add regulations for the use and installation of solar energy systems. The legislation was introduced by Ward 1 Council Rep John Nickell, Ward 5 Council Rep Dawn Carbone-McDonald, Ward 3 Council Rep Joanne Krejci and co-sponsored by Council President Paul Marnecheck.
The amendment to the city’s codified ordinances took place after a resident, who wanted to add a solar panel as a secondary source of energy, asked Council how to install it within the law. At that time, there were no regulations addressing it. The legislation adds a new chapter 1477 Regulations for the Use and Installation of Solar Energy Systems.
The types of solar systems addressed in the regulations include solar water heating for use in buildings, solar water heating for space heating, solar pool heating and photovoltaic systems. A solar energy system is considered a permitted use in Residential R1-A, R1-B, RM-D, RRZ Zones. All other districts required a conditional use permit.
The following, are the general standards that are listed in the ordinance:
“(1) No ground mounted solar energy system shall be visible from the street or alley adjacent to the front of the main dwelling, main building or main structure.
(2) Roof mounted solar energy systems shall not be located within 3 feet of the roof line in any direction including the peak. Roof mounted panels on a sloped roof shall not show any apparent change in relief or projection of any roof elevation. Roof mounted panels on a flat roof shall not project vertically more than 5 feet from the surface of the roof.
(3) Ground mounted solar panels may not exceed 6 feet average in height as measured from the natural grade and shall be designed and constructed to support all snow, wind and seismic loads.
(4) Within Residential R1-A, R1-B, RM-D, and RRZ Zones, the permitted square footage of ground mounted solar panels shall not exceed 25% of rear yard area within the width of the main dwelling, main building or main structure and shall not encroach upon required rear and side setbacks as defined in this section. The total square footage is to be determined by the dimensions of the panel regardless of mounted angle.
(b) Setbacks
(1) A ground mounted solar energy system or systems shall not project past the width of the main dwelling, main building or main structure. Rear yard and Side yard setbacks shall be a minimum of ten (10) feet measured from the property line.
(2) A solar energy system or systems shall not be located in the front or side yards.
(3) Roof mounted solar energy systems shall not be placed on the roof that fronts the street; also applies to corner lots with two fronts.
(c) Access
All ground mounted electrical and control equipment shall be labeled and secured to prevent unauthorized access. All conductors supplying power to the equipment shall be underground.
(d) Appearance. Color and Finish
The solar energy system shall remain painted or finished in the color or finish that was originally applied by the manufacturer, unless a different color or finish is approved by Planning Commission and Council.
(e) Signs
There shall be no signs that are visible from any public road posted on a solar energy system or any associated building, except for the manufacturers or installers identification, appropriate warning signs or owner identification.
(f) Utility Interconnection and Notification
Solar energy systems that connect to the electrical utility shall comply with Ohio’s Interconnection Standards, NEC Standards and the standards of the utility and all other applicable standards.
(g) Mounting
No type of solar energy system may be mounted to any accessory structure.
(h) Screening
All ground mounted solar energy system or systems shall be screened from view with a fence or vegetation to an average maximum height of six (6) feet measured from natural grade and shall be installed and constructed as outlined in Section 1467 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of North Royalton. A separate permit shall be required.
(i) Variance
The applicant may apply to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance for subsections (a)-(h).”
An application, including building permit applications, a site plan prepared and stamped by a design professional, registered by the state and electrical permit application, must be submitted to the Building Commissioner.
Anyone violating the provisions included in the ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor of the third degree, as defined by the Ohio Revised Code. Each day a violation continues is considered a separate offense.

Contributing Writer