Every two years, the President of Council assigns the various Council committees to each City Council member. It is his duty to assign the Council Committees of Buildings and Building Codes; Finance; Review and Oversight; Rules and Ordinances; Safety; Streets; Storm Water and Utilities. All committees meet monthly, with the exception of the Review and Oversight Committee, which meets when needed. Members of Council also sit on the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals and Recreation Board. Typically, the change of assignments takes place after the Council elections take place.
This is the fourth round of assignments that Council President Larry Antoskiewicz has made.
“Most of the guys have been around and served on most of the committees,” said Antoskiewicz. “Generally, that’s what I try to do is if it’s requested. This time I only had one individual to ask, Dan (Langshaw) asked to be Chairman of Safety,” he said. “I honored that request.”
The following are the Council assignments for the coming year:

Building and Building Codes
John Nickell, Chair
Dan Kasaris, Vice Chair
Larry Antoskiewicz

Larry Antoskiewicz, Chair
Gary Petrusky, Vice Chair
Paul Marnecheck

Review & Oversight
Dan Kasaris, Chair
Paul Marnecheck, Vice Chair
Dan Langshaw

Dan Langshaw, Chair
Cheryl Hannan, Vice Chair
Gary Petrusky

Cheryl Hannan, Chair
Larry Antoskiewicz, Vice Chair
John Nickell

Storm Water
Gary Petrusky, Chair
Dan Langshaw, Vice Chair
Cheryl Hannan

Paul Marnecheck Chair
John Nickell, Vice Chair
Dan Kasaris

Pro Tem
Paul Marnecheck

Board of Zoning Appeals
Dan Kasaris

Planning Commission
Larry Antoskiewicz

Recreation Board
Paul Marnecheck

Antoskiewicz went on to say that “the good part about our meeting schedule is the way we have it set up before the council meetings, we usually have everyone showing up anyway. They are staying informed and having their input, even though the committee has the final say.” All committee meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday nights in the Council Chambers at City Hall. The Storm Water, Streets and Utilities Committees will take place, back-to-back, on the first Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. The Building & Building Codes, Finance and Safety Committee meeting will take place on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. The committee meetings will precede the regular City Council meetings. Council Caucus and Meeting starts at 7 p.m. If any regular meeting of Council falls on a legal Holiday observed by the City or on an Election day, Council shall meet in regular session on the following day.

Contributing Writer