It was “Back to the Past” for the 31st annual Care-n-Share Thanksgiving Dinner orchestrated by the Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church in North Royalton.
Turkeys were cooked and prepared. Side dishes and gravy were served. Drivers were on hand to deliver dinner and provide faith and fellowship. For some shut-ins, the delivery drivers may have been their only visitors on Thanksgiving Day.
That’s sad, but the drivers were happy that they were there to provide even a few minutes of fellowship to those who might be alone on Thanksgiving.
The one big difference this year, compared to 2020 and 2021, is that Royal Redeemer opened their doors to those who wanted to share their Thanksgiving Dinner with community members at the church.
“We prepared about 1,500 Thanksgiving dinners. This year we served about 200 people at the church” said Care and Share head Lisa Martin. “I was so so excited to have this opportunity once again to serve people at the church on Thanksgiving Day.”
Among those coming to Royal Redeemer for a Thanksgiving dinner was Ken Kozak. “Three years ago, I had Thanksgiving dinner with three of my friends. They have since passed. I ate dinner here to remember them.”
Judith Stefancik made a new friend while dining at Royal Redeemer. “Nobody should eat alone on Thanksgiving. This is great. I’m so grateful that these folks gave up part of their Thanksgiving to serve us.”
Roy Jackson brought his family to Royal Redeemer. “We wanted to socialize on Thanksgiving Day. Everyone is so friendly. And the food is good.”
Among those folks who served others on Thanksgiving Day was Steve Benish, who drove 670 miles from Iowa to North Royalton to help Royal Redeemer and his father Don. “It’s a family tradition to work at Care and Share. I like feeling like I’m helping the community.” Steve, his dad and their family have been donating part of their Thanksgiving Day for the past 15 years.
Alex Albright was on gravy duty in the kitchen. He’s been donating time to Care and Share for the last 14 years. “It’s the ability to give back to the community and give back to individuals. That’s why I’m here.”
Jim Chmielewski, another kitchen volunteer, put his time donation another way. “I’m here doing God’s work.”
Tom Cammar was one of the shut-ins who couldn’t make it to Royal Redeemer on Thanksgiving Day. He thanked Drivers Tom and Eva Blasczak for the dinner delivery. “Thank you for doing this, especially on Thanksgiving Day. You truly are a blessing from God. You are using the talents that God has given you.”
Whether you volunteer, deliver meals, or enjoy the fellowship at Royal Redeemer, Care and Share helps to provide many Thanks on Thanksgiving Day.

Contributing Writer