News media report that the growing drug epidemic and drug overdose deaths are reaching dangerous levels. These messages focus on this growing problem, as addiction often starts at home, in your own medicine cabinet. Many medicine cabinets contain unused, unwanted or expired prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs. If not disposed of, they may fall into the wrong hands and run the risk of accidental overdose and addiction.
The Drug Take Back Day is Saturday, Oct. 28, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., at two locations: Timber Ridge Plaza, 9199 Sprague Road and Giant Eagle Plaza, 6000 Royalton Road (Route 82 and State). This free event offers a convenient drive thru drop off. There is no paperwork involved, and participants keep their anonymity. Pills may be removed from their original container and placed in a sealed plastic bag. Needles, syringes, liquids and bio-hazard materials will not be accepted.
Those who cannot make the event on Saturday can dispose of any expired or unused over-the-counter and prescription medicines at the North Royalton Police Department, 14000 Bennett Road. The drug drop box is located in the lobby and is accessible 24/7.
Drug Take Back Day Oct. 28 – Dispose of unused and unwanted meds at two locations
Royalton Recorder Drug Take Back Day Oct. 28 – Dispose of unused and unwanted meds at two locationsOct 27, 2017