September is that time of year when the weather starts to turn, the crops in the backyard or on the farm are ready to be harvested and North Royalton is preparing to celebrate.
The celebration will take place on Sunday, September 22.
The 17th annual Harvest Fest will be held on the City Green, located in the triangle between Ridge, Royalton and Bennett Roads. The event will run between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. and will be held rain or shine. Admission and parking are free. The event is sponsored by the Holiday Lighting Committee.
While the Harvest Fest is a 21st Century event, it reminds North Royalton residents of what life was like in the 1800s and early 1900s when farmers celebrated the harvest with food and song.
Gail Holzman heads up the Lighting Committee. She describes the Harvest Fest event as “old-fashioned” fun. There will be plenty to do for mom and dad, grandma and grandpa and the youngsters. It can be a Sunday afternoon on the City Green when you can sit, relax and talk with your friends and neighbors.
Among the activities planned are a children’s maze, a petting farm, pumpkin painting, educational and children’s activities. Pumpkin painting is one of the most popular activities at the Harvest Fest. It’s a simple activity, to have your children or grandchildren paint a face on a pumpkin. From past years, some of their pumpkin face designs really surprise you. A balloon artist will be on hand as well as face painters.
“The North Royalton Tractor Club will be there to show off their tractors, both new and old. They’ll also be able to answer questions about their four-wheel vehicles,” said Holzman.
A number of the service organizations in North Royalton will be on hand with some delicious items to sell. Among them, the North Royalton Firefighters will have their “firehouse” chili to sell; the Rotary Club will have their kielbasa and sauerkraut available; the North Royalton Lions Club, the 4-H Town and Country group and the Garden Club will have their bake sale. Plus, North Royalton Mayor Bob Stefanik will be with other City Officials selling their fried bologna sandwiches.
Another highlight of the Harvest Fest is the “Do-Do Drop”. There will be a different cow this year. “The cow’s name is Midnight. It’s an Irish-Dexter Dairy Cow,” said Holzman. At the end of the day, everyone gathers around a 40-foot by 60-foot, fenced-in area waiting for a cow to “do its business”. If you pick the lucky square on the “checkerboard” when nature calls for the cow, you could win a cash prize. Tickets are $5 for each square. Members of the Holiday Lighting Committee will be walking around the City Green selling tickets that day.
Proceeds from the Harvest Fest are used to ensure that holiday lighting displays will grace North Royalton municipal buildings and the City Green.
Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 22, for the 17th annual Harvest Fest.
Contributing Writer
Harvest Fest gives one a warm feeling of yesteryear
Royalton Recorder Harvest Fest gives one a warm feeling of yesteryearSep 3, 2019