Ghosts and goblins are getting ready for a night of Halloween fun and and collecting loads of candy! Parents have as much fun as the kids when it comes to creating costumes and decorating the home.
Halloween is also the holiday when safety issues prevail. Following a few basic guidelines will ensure that the evening will end up as much fun as it began.
On Tuesday, October 31, before heading out to “trick-or-treat,” be sure the kids have eaten dinner so that tummies are full and they won’t be so hungry for the candy.
A responsible adult should always accompany the young children. Older kids should plan a safe route so parents know where they are at all times. Only visit homes with porch lights on. Trick-or-Treat only during the hours designated in your community, which in North Royalton is 6-8 p.m.
The best costumes are those with a flame-resistant or flame-retardant labels. Adding glow-in-the-dark tape to the costumes will make children more visible.
Make sure costumes fit securely. Avoid masks, wigs, eye patches or floppy hats. Swords, knives, and similar costume accessories should be short, soft, and flexible.
Children should carry a flashlight to make them more visible to cars.
Instruct children to not eat any candy until they are back home and the treats have been checked. Eat only factory-wrapped treats. Avoid eating homemade treats made by strangers.
Try to limit candy consumption by allowing a few pieces after a healthy meal or as a special treat.
Show off your unique costumes by sending the Recorder your photos. We’ll share them on our Facebook page and in the Recorder.
Have a Safe and Happy Halloween Night
Royalton Recorder Have a Safe and Happy Halloween NightOct 23, 2017