One of the many highlights that focus on student performance are the OMEA All-State Ensembles for band, choir, jazz band and orchestra. More than 1,000 high school students from all across Ohio submitted applications and recorded auditions in May of 2018 in hopes of being selected to perform with these prestigious ensembles. North Royalton High School was represented by one high school band member – senior Markie Michalke (trumpet). The band was under the baton of Professor Emerita at The University of Texas, Paula Crider. They performed on February 1, in front of a packed house in the Grand Ballroom at the Cleveland Convention Center. Michalke is a member of the North Royalton High School wind ensemble, jazz band and Contemporary Youth Orchestra, which also performed at the OMEA Convention this year. Michalke has earned Superior ratings at OMEA Solo and Ensemble competitions and has been selected to perform with numerous honors ensembles including the 2018 OMEA Regional Orchestra this year. Michalke studied trumpet with Eniko Balazs at Royalton Music until recently switching to James Fry from the Bluecoats Alumni organization. Michalke plans to continue his career in music with a focus in Business/Arts Management degree.
Markie is pictured with NRHS band directors, Mr. Christopher Burdick and Mr. David Vitale and the Emmy Award winning composer Julie Giroux.
Markie Michalke represents NRHS at OMEA All-State Ensembles
Royalton Recorder Markie Michalke represents NRHS at OMEA All-State EnsemblesMar 5, 2019