On October 25, North Royalton High School (NRHS) inducted the newest members into their National Honor Society (NHS). The ceremony was held in the Performing Arts Center and included a welcome from Gabrielle Brihn, current NHS president, along with Julia Lam, NHS vice president. Officers Lizzy Shiplett, Emma Kolick, Hana Saad, and Amanda Ruffner spoke to the students about the pillars of leadership, service, scholarship and character. NRHS principal Sean Osborne, led the inductees in the reciting of the pledge. The NRHS PTA sponsored a reception after the ceremony.
Congratulations to the newest members: Lia Armstrong, Brandon Barrett, Marina Baskhron, Zachary Bitterman, Alex Bottomley, Laci Buffa, Casey Charles, Varuni Chopra, Abbey Cigoi, Keira Cossel, Dylan Crowe, Megan DeAngelis, Amanda DiMassa, Christopher Domke, Nicholas Falasco, Ian Finnecy, Colin Finnecy, Madelyn Geschke, Emily Hain, Jack Haley, Safa Hameed, Grace Holloran, Elena Hornik, Brivan Ibrahim, Thomas Joniec, Emanuel Kalevakis, Mehakveer Kandola, Akshita Kannan, Harikrishnan Kasi, Elizabeth Koetter, Jenna Kotlyn, Emma Kraynik, Prathisha Krishna, Emma Maguire, Craig Minnick, Brayden Miozzi, Michael Olexa, Ava Panigutti, Fiona Parker, Molly Petrina, Catherine Popa, Charlie Putnam, Lilly Putnam, Sandheep Ranganathan, Olivia Safranek, Kyle Sandborn, Nathan Sawyer, Merlin Scaria, Elana Scocos, Mark Shenouda, Samantha Shields, Makena Shroka, Alaina Siegel, Evan Simonek, Dylan Stetler, Mary Titterington, Reese Vollweiler, Isabella Weatherbie, Elizabeth White and Alex Zekanovic.
This year is the national centennial of the National Honor Society. The organization has established a reputation for excellence among administrators, faculty members, students, parents, and residents of the school community. This reputation is the result of years of commitment on the part of everyone involved. Through NHS chapter service activities, members maintain and extend the qualities that won them selection. Cresta Mellon and Kate West are the teacher advisors of the NRHS National Honor Society.
Each year, a member of the faculty is invited to speak at the ceremony. This year, Kahle Miller spoke to the importance of being honorable in all of our endeavors.
“I am proud of our students and how they persisted in maintaining focus on their academics through difficult times,” said Principal Sean Osborne, North Royalton High School. “Congratulations to all our current members and new inductees of the NRHS National Honor Society.”
NR High School students inducted into National Honor Society
Royalton Recorder NR High School students inducted into National Honor SocietyNov 16, 2021