Saint Albert the Great School has announced that it has selected Delos, a New York-based wellness real estate and technology company, to provide 80 advanced air purification units for its classrooms.
To fulfill their duty to reasonably protect students, Saint Albert the Great has implemented policies and protocols that comply with state and federal guidelines for reopening. They have implemented applicable guidance from national independent school organizations, the Diocese of Cleveland, and infectious disease experts.
Saint Albert the Great school staff continue to take the following steps to stop the spread of Covid-19:
• All school personnel assisting students or coworkers who develop symptoms of COVID-19 are directed and educated on how to properly apply PPE (face mask, mask, gown, gloves)
• PPE resources are available for faculty and staff, and a back-up supply for
students who forget items or need items replaced while on site.
• A designated isolation area where anyone developing symptoms of COVID 19 can be isolated while waiting for pick-up to leave the building. This room is thoroughly disinfected and not reused for two hours.
• Students and staff are required to have masks for use in areas where social distancing may be challenging including entering and exiting, traveling in halls, restroom use, etc.
• Surfaces in the classrooms and cafeterias are sanitized at the end of each day, before and after a snack break, and whenever a new set of students enters a room.
• Temperature checks are performed at the start of each day when students enter the classroom. Anyone with a fever is immediately isolated.
• Water filling stations have replaced several traditional water fountains throughout the building and traditional fountains have been disconnected.
• Staff and students who are quarantined are provided remote instruction or activity for a period of 14 days. Immediate contract tracing is done for any student that receives a positive COVID-19 result. This aspect is addressed on evenings, weekends and vacations to address situations immediately.
• Visitors to the school building are restricted to emergency pick-up / drop-off situations and the enrollment process. Volunteer opportunities were/are provided on a limited basis and those individuals subject to the COVID-19 guidelines for social distancing.
• A school partnership with GOJO/Purell has resulted in electronic sanitizing stations at all school entrances and outside all classrooms. Students are sanitized upon entering and leaving classrooms.
• All entrance doors are open at the onset and closure of each school day to aid ventilation and reduce touchpoints. In addition, classroom doors and windows are open throughout the school day to assist in ventilation and also to reduce touchpoints.
• Additional full school fans and ventilation were added at the onset of the school year along with the replacement of the HEPA filters throughout.
Edward Vittardi, principal of Saint Albert the Great School added, “At Saint Albert the Great School we have been recognized for our security efforts in recent years. We also feel we need to do everything we can to maintain the safest and most healthy environment possible for our students and staff.”