The March meeting of the North Royalton Board of Education took place on Monday, March 9.
The following building presentations were given:
“Lil’ Bears Preschool utilizes typically-developing peers in its continuum of services for students with special needs. These peers receive an outstanding education in pre-academic preparation based on the state standards of development. They also are valuable assets in providing models in the classrooms of language and literacy development, motor development, physical well-being, cognitive and general knowledge development, approaches toward learning, and social and emotional development,” according to school officials.
Royal View Elementary School: Fourth grader, Reggie Thomas, was recognized for his outgoing personality, contagious enthusiasm and the constant smile on his face, as well as his perseverance and the vast improvement he has shown over the years.
Albion Elementary School: Students start their day with classical music as a part of the Cleveland Orchestra’s “Mindful Music Moments” program. Students Kelly Cohen, Lyla Cohen, Clay Taylor, Aryes Jovanovic, Eugene Fekete, Julia Pacheco, Katarina Gavric, Brooklynn and Rylan Tucker demonstrated mindful practices such as breathing, meditation and focus to prepare their bodies and minds for the academic day. The program, purchased by the Albion Elementary PTA, was designed to reduce stress and anxiety by beginning the day in a calm way.
Valley Vista Elementary School: A group of third-grade leaders provide a musical presentation on their ukuleles, celebrating “Music in our Schools Month”. The students included: Mason Brandt, Kamryn Ennis, Emma Garnes, Erica Hakala, Madeline Werner, Gavin Short, Edrian Labadia, Lexi Nosal, Alex Kelley, Lilly Sopata, Zoe Amburn, Zane Spuzzillo, Dominic Cipriani, Clay Fyffe, Paige Blackledge and Evelyn Erdman. These students have been playing the ukuleles since November. “Five years ago, Kala Music in California donated 40 ukuleles to Valley Vista.
North Royalton Middle School: The Board passed a proclamation recognizing March as the Month of the Young Adolescent (MOYA). The Association for Middle Level Education (AMLE) states that a key message for recognizing March as the MOYA is the realization that the education young adolescents experience during this formative period of life will, in large measure, determine the future for all citizens.
North Royalton High School: Habib Akouri, Alexandra Doehrmann, Colin Rush and Breanna Tamoga were recognized by the National Merit Scholarship Organization. Doehrmann is a National Merit Commended Student. Tamoga, Rush and Akouri are National Merit Finalists. In addition, they all have been members of Key Club and many other clubs, played sports, and two of them were involved in the performing arts. Rush, in addition to having scored a perfect score on the ACT, was named as one of 4,500 candidates who were identified as a potential U.S. Presidential Scholar.
The Board approved the following advancement of funds:
From 001 General Fund to 003, Permanent Improvement, $450,000
The Board approved the following 2019-2020 appropriation adjustments:
001 General Fund from $53,137,155.42 to $53,587,055.42
003 Permanent Improvement from $3,653,972.88 to $4,203.972.88
019 Other Local Grants from $142,986.60 to $169,516.16
022 District Agency from $23,674.91 to $30,331.91.
The Board adopted the following tax rates for the next succeeding fiscal year commencing January 1, 2021:
General Fund Inside 5.00
General Fund Outside 55.80
Total General Fund 60.80
Permanent Improvement 1.50
Bond Retirement Fund 4.40
Grand Total 66.70
North Royalton School Superintendent remarked on the Coronavirus. (See Coronavirus article) He congratulated Bruce Abbot for being Ohio Bus Driver of the Year and the entire Academic Challenge Team, as they go and tape the show, which will air on May 2. He went on to proclaim March to be declared, “National Middle Level Education Month, recognizing the importance of middle level education and honoring the contributions of those who educate this unique age group.”
The Board approved an agreement with the Educational Service Center of Medina County to provide healthcare services for the 2019-20 school year. They also approved an agreement with US Communications and Electric, Incorporated to install fiber from the North Royalton Middle School to the new North Royalton Elementary School.
The Board approved services with LLA Therapy for STARS AND STRIPES Summer Camp for special education ESY programs and services for summer, 2020.
The Board adopted the following resignations:
Dana Brownson/Assistant Softball Coach/High School/effective February 28, 2020; Mallory Shaw/Teacher/Royal View/effective June 2, 2020.
The Board has offered the supplemental positions listed below to certificated/licensed employees:
Michael Franko/High School Assistant Softball Coach/2019-20 School Year
Marc Masters/Head Volleyball Coach/2020-21 School Year
A resolution was approved by the Board, authorizing the School Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent to determine that certain tangible personal property is no longer needed for school district purposes and authorizes the sale of that property through an online auction platform and other reasonable methods. The property includes fixtures, furniture and equipment that the district will be replacing.
The Board approved the 2020-21 fee for all-day kindergarten to be $2,100, which was unchanged from the previous three years.
The Board authorized the purchase of eight 72-passenger Thomas Saf-T-Liner buses at a cost of $94,994 per bus and one54-passenger Thomas Saf-T-Liner special needs bus with a wheelchair lift at a cost of $116,807 for a total cost of $876,759. These bids were received as a part of the Ohio Schools Council Bus Purchasing Program.
The Board accepted and acknowledged the following gifts/donations:
“Albion PTA and Valley Vista PTA each donated $2,500 for playground equipment at the new elementary school.
-The Langshaw family donated $25 to North Royalton Middle School for the eighth-grade trip to Washington, D.C.
-The North Royalton Stadium Foundation donated $9,235 towards the new electronic sign in front of the Board of Education office that promotes both District and stadium activities.
-The North Royalton Historical Society donated $500 to North Royalton Middle School for the eighth-grade trip to Washington, D.C.”
The next regular meeting will be held on Monday, April 13, at 7 p.m. at the Royal View Gymnasium
Contributing Writer
School Board News
Royalton Recorder School Board NewsMar 24, 2020