Servant Saturday has been part of the culture of Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church for the past 10 years and on Saturday, May 4, the tradition continued.
Pastor Mark Rein said, “This year we are sending our church members to 31 locations in North Royalton and surrounding areas to help with yard work and other chores.” The event was called “Servant Saturday 300.” Before COVID took hold, Servant Saturday usually drew more than 300 Royal Redeemer members. Church leaders wanted to get back to that volunteer number.
The day began with breakfast and fellowship at 8 a.m. The volunteers then picked up bags and supplies and began heading out to their assignments. After working for about two hours, the volunteers headed back to Royal Redeemer to exchange stories about their assignment and lunch.
There were fresh, homemade cookies, and prayers they exchanged with the homeowners who were beneficiaries of the assistance.
Among those getting help on Servant Saturday was a lady by the first name of Pat. The volunteer crew was asked to do some yard clean-up, pull weeds and take down some dead limbs. Pat was very thankful for the help.
“They do such good work, There is no way that I can get all this done. And they brought cookies.”
The group at Pat’s house was led by Jeff Johansen Senior, who said he is doing the Lord’s work in helping out. “These folks need our help. Many of them are by themselves or are seniors. We are responding to the call of Christ and the faith that we have in Him.”
Mike Abshire and his son, Kyle, gave up some time on Saturday morning to help out Pat. “I’m happy to give back to the community. I’m in good health, and I’m able to do it.” Kyle proudly wore his green bowling shirt while working. “I feel good about taking time out of my day to help people. My dad taught me that.”
Cindy Flowers was busy with a rake around Pat’s house. “I think we are here to help people in need. We are sharing God’s love with them.”
Across North Royalton there was another Servant Saturday group helping out at Charlotte and John’s House. Armed with leaf blowers, rakes, weed wackers, buckets and leaf bags, the crew set out to get the job done.
“It’s so nice to have them come over to help us out,” said Charlotte. “Getting rid of the leaves, dead branches and twigs was really needed. We depend on Royal Redeemer so much.”
Among those helping out at Charlotte and John’s House was Ryan Franco, who took a Saturday morning off from his landscaping business to help out. “I like to help people out, especially people in need.” Ryan brought his lawn care tools with him to make the job easier.
Servant Saturday 2024 was another huge success for Royal Redeemer Church. It was another chance to spread God’s love throughout the North Royalton Community.

Contributing Writer