The November election is fast approaching. The absentee ballots will be mailed out on September 23 and polls are open on election day, Tuesday, November 7 from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. On October 10, Voter Registration Closes and on October 11, Opening of vote by mail will begin. November 4 is the Absentee Ballot application deadline; November 6. All overseas Vote by Mail ballots must be submitted to be received by November 7. Also all absentee ballots returned in person must be received at the Board of Elections by 7:30 p.m.
Ward 1 – John T. Nickell
Ward 2 – Gary Petrusky
Ward 3 – Daniel R. Langshaw
Ward 4 – Paul F. Marnecheck, II
Ward 5 – Cheryl L. Hannan
Ward 6 – Daniel Kasaris
For Member of North Royalton Board of Education. Vote for no more than two
Jackie Arendt
Susan G. Clark
For Judge of the Parma Municipal Court District
(Full term, commencing January 1, 2018)
Kenneth R. Spanagel
The following are the issues that will appear on the November 7 ballot:
Rights for Crime Victims
Proposed Constitutional Amendment
Proposed by Initiative Petition
To repeal and replace the existing language in Section 10a of Article I of the Constitution of the State of Ohio
A majority yes vote is necessary for the amendment to pass.
The proposed amendment would expand the rights of victims under the current Section 10a and require that the rights of victims be protected as vigorously as the rights of the accused. More specifically, for the purpose of ensuring due process, respect, fairness, and justice for crime victims and their families in the criminal and juvenile justice systems, the amendment would provide victims with:
• the right to privacy and to be treated with respect, fairness, and dignity;
• the right to information about the rights and services available to crime victims;
• the right to notification in a timely manner of all proceedings in the case;
• the right to be present and heard at all court proceedings, including the right to petition the court to protect the victim’s rights;
• the right to a prompt conclusion of the case;
• to refuse discovery requests made by the accused, except as authorized by Article I, Section 10 of the Ohio constitution;
• the right to reasonable protection from the accused;
• the right to notice of the release or escape of the accused; and
• the right to restitution.
The proposed amendment would not establish a cause of action for damages or compensation against the state or any political subdivision.
If approved, the amendment will be effective 90 days after the election.
To require state agencies to not pay more for prescription drugs than the federal Department of Veterans Affairs and require state payment of attorney fees and expenses to specific individuals for defense of the law.
Proposed Law
Proposed by Initiative Petition
To enact Chapter 194 of the Ohio Revised Code
A majority yes vote is necessary for the law to pass.
To enact Chapter 194 of the Ohio Revised Code, which would:
• Require the State of Ohio, including its state departments, agencies and entities, to not pay more for prescription drugs than the price paid by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs.
• Establish that the individual petitioners responsible for proposing the law have a direct and personal stake in defending the law; require the State to pay petitioners’ reasonable attorney fees and other expenses; require the petitioners to pay $10,000 to the State if the law is held by a court to be unenforceable and limit petitioners’ personal liability to that amount; and require the Attorney General to defend the law if challenged in court.
Proposed Tax Levy (Replacement)
City of North Royalton
A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage.
A replacement of a tax for the benefit of the City of North Royalton for the purpose of emergency medical service at a rate not exceeding 1.7 mills for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to 17 cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five years, commencing in 2017, first due in calendar year 2018.
Proposed Tax Levy (Renewal)
Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority
A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage.
A renewal of a tax for the benefit of the Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority for the purpose of providing funds necessary for the Port Authority at a rate not exceeding 0.13 mill for each one dollar of valuation, which amounts to 1.3 cents for each one hundred dollars of valuation, for five years, commencing in 2018, first due in calendar year 2019.
Proposed Bond Issue
Cuyahoga Community College District
A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage.
Shall bonds be issued by the Cuyahoga Community College District for the purpose of paying the costs of acquiring, constructing, furnishing and equipping the capital facilities, or such other acquisition of sites, erection, furnishing and equipping of buildings, or acquisition, construction or improvement of property in the principal amount of $227,500,000, to be repaid annually over a maximum period of 25 years, and an annual levy of property taxes be made outside of the ten-mill limitation, estimated by the County Fiscal Officer to average over the repayment period of the bond issue 0.5 mill for each one dollar of tax valuation, which amounts to 5 cents for each one hundred dollars of tax valuation, commencing in 2017, first due in calendar year 2018, to pay the annual debt charges on the bonds and to pay debt charges on any notes issued in anticipation of those bonds?
For those residents living in Ward 5, Precinct C, this will also appear on the ballot:
Special Election by Petition
Local Liquor Option
Sunday Sales
A majority affirmative vote is necessary for passage.
Shall the sale of wine and mixed beverages and spirituous liquor be permitted for sale on Sunday between the hours of ten a.m. and midnight by RCMZ Foods LLC dba Amici Restaurant and Dino’s Bar, an applicant for a D-6 liquor permit, holder of D-1, D-2, D-3 and D-3A liquor permits, who is engaged in the business of a restaurant and bar at 13000 Royalton Road and Patio, North Royalton, OH 44133 in this precinct?

Contributing Writer