North Royalton High School staff celebrated their students’ second quarter success in person and with their families on February 10 in the new Community Room. Families were treated to a breakfast with muffins, fruit cups, coffee and juice.
Teachers nominated students in four categories (Achievement, Character, Engagement, and Leadership).They recognized more than 60 students and wrote personal nominations as to why they deserved their awards.
At the event, every nomination was read aloud and the student was then surprised with finding out who nominated him/her. Every award winner was presented with a certificate by Principal Sean Osborne. The gift this year was a water bottle, presented by Assistant Principal Matt Yappel.
Students recognized include:
“Something accomplished through great effort, skill, perseverance or courage”
Avery Breen – Avery has continued to excel and show growth in Geometry. Avery comes to class each day ready to learn and is a great role model to her peers! Keep up the fantastic work, Avery! – Ms. Elisabeth Jasina
Isabella Carlucci – Bella has worked really hard to improve her grade in AP Psychology. Nice job!! – Mr. Jamie Leonard
Jude Carver – Jude is a wonderful student who has achieved so much this year in Spanish II. Jude engages with the Spanish language every day, and goes above and beyond to create personal conversations in Spanish before and after class. Jude is a fantastic example of the effort it takes to acquire a second language. In two years of instruction, he has exceeded the proficiency goal of the course and his ability to communicate in Spanish has no limits. So proud of you, Jude!!! ¡Fantastico! – Señorita Más / Miss Moore
Jude Carver – Jude has earned A’s for both first and second quarter. He puts forth 100% effort every day, and he is always pushing to be better. His classmates look up to him and are always wanting to work with him. Great job, Jude! – Ms. Lauren Stefancin
Gurkeerat Dhillon – Guri put forth a great effort this quarter and took pride in his work. Guri had circumstances which prevented him from attending class regularly for periods of time, but his diligence and work ethic enabled him to earn an A for the quarter. He was persistent about asking questions, seeking help outside class, wanting to meet with me to follow-up on assignments, and his general drive to do well in the classroom paid off. He took pride in his class work, his assignments, and was always able to catch up on reading. His hard work in and outside the classroom paid off this quarter. Nice job, Guri. – Mr. Paul Salyards
Kolten English – Kolten always comes to class with a positive attitude. He works incredibly hard at maintaining the best grade possible in World History. He is always working and trying to get his assignments done and goes above and beyond to prepare for his assessments as well. He is a real joy to have as a student. – Mr. James Hoover
Kolten English – Keep up the hard work, Kolten! You are making great choices which are reflective in your work and attitude. Your effort and determination will take you far! I am so proud of you! – Ms. Amy Gyorok
Maria Farris – Maria has worked incredibly hard in Geometry and has shown great improvement throughout the year. Maria (and a few other students) come into my room daily during their study hall to ask questions and get extra help. She shows a strong desire to learn and has seen terrific results on her homework, quizzes and tests. Keep up the great work! – Mr. Nick Woods
Max Glickberg – Max has steadily improved his effort and his artistic skill set as the semester has moved on. He has really created some great artwork to finish out the course. It was great to see, and I was excited for him. – Mr. Brandon Speers
Noran Khanfar – Noran has excelled in every class this quarter. She spent an enormous amount of time and energy earning her grades. She took charge of her success! – Miss Rachael Sladky
Andora Lake – Andora had a great second quarter in French II. She seems to be acclimating well to North Royalton High School as a new student, since she was able to raise her grade to an “A” in French II. Très bien fait, Andora! – Mr. Richard Emch
Abigail Lekan – Abigail is an outstanding student. She works very hard and her grade shows it. She has the highest grade in the class. Congratulations, Abigail! – Mr. Tony Kleem
Lydia Marcinonis – Lydia was like a breath of fresh air each and every day when she walked into the classroom. She always had a wide smile and kindly said, “Hello.” I knew she was paying close attention throughout the class period because she would regularly ask insightful questions. Keep your enthusiasm and your sense of curiosity as you continue in life. I truly enjoyed having you in Economics class! – Mrs. Kathleen Zink
Kaitlyn Messick – Kaitlyn (Cristina) has overcome some personal challenges and achieved at a high level this quarter. She is to be commended for her reliability, attitude and classroom performance. Muy bien, Cristina. – Mr. Chris Carion
Claire Pastore – Claire has demonstrated incredible dedication and perseverance in class. AP is an adjustment for most high school sophomores, and she has taken the challenges of the course in stride and has worked exceptionally hard to improve, adapt, and learn! I am so proud of Claire and what she has accomplished! – Mrs. Marilyn Orseno
Anjali Patel – Anjali participates in the daily lectures and desires an understanding of the mathematical concepts at a deeper level. She takes great pride in her work on every assignment. I cannot wait to see all of the great accomplishments that she will achieve. – Mr. Mark Skor
Jillian Perkins – Jillian works very hard to make sure she achieves as much as she is capable of. Even in the face of adversity, she is aware of what needs to be accomplished and sets out to succeed. Great job, Jillian! – Ms. Kathryn Schultz
Logan Petit – Logan did an outstanding job during the second quarter, improving from a C in the first quarter to an A. Your hard work and effort over recent months. – Mr. Kirk Ambrose
Ethan Popa – Ethan has been a model of consistency during the first semester. He has shown great effort, great responsibility, and excelled in all aspects of the class. Good job, Ethan, and keep it up in the second semester as well! – Mr. Timothy Matus
Jennifer Ptak – Jenn demonstrates a real aptitude for physics. In labs and assessments, Jenn has applied various concepts learned from class to different situations with ease. If there is ever any disconnect, she quickly solves the problem with a little help from the teacher, and is able to carry that forward with continued success. It’s that ability to learn from her mistakes that has served Jenn so well in physics, and as a result she routinely finds herself at the top of her class. – Mr. Joe Sieracki
Milomir (Mitch) Randjelovic – Mitch excels in science and exceeds all expectations. He is driven, hardworking and a continuous pleasure to have in class. – Miss Shelby Franczak
Olivia Safranek – After a difficult start to the semester, Olivia increased her effort in the second quarter and the results were impressive. She improved her quarter grade from a C all the way up to an A. Olivia should be proud of the improvement she was able to achieve. – Mr. Nick Neumeister
Harneet Sandhu – Harneet demonstrated exceptional knowledge and comprehension on all the biological aspects covered during the second quarter. – Mr. Joe Francescangeli
Mahreen Sandhu – Outstanding Quarter Project! Mahreen is an excellent student who always has her work finished on time. This quarter, she has built an excellent bridge. Well done! – Mr. Christopher Boch
Brady Sasse – Brady has done an outstanding job this quarter. He has one of the highest grades in all my Algebra II/Trig classes and his work is exceptional. Brady is always prepared and truly cares about his classwork. He has a real aptitude in math. He is truly deserving of this recognition. Congrats, Brady! – Mr. Nicholas Ciulli
Evan Simonek – Evan has excelled in Calculus all year and has received all A’s in the class. He is a very intelligent student and has a good understanding of the Calculus concepts. He received an A on his midterm and got almost all of the questions correct! That is something to be very proud of, as the midterm is long and complex. Keep up the great work! – Mrs. Eva Teague
Madeline Swansiger – Addie is fully committed to everything we do in the choir program. She is a strong leader in her section in Concert Choir as well as in our after school a cappella group, Royal Adelines. She is very dedicated to learning all aspects of music and always improving. She is a true asset to the North Royalton Choir Program. – Ms. Sydney Jahnigen
Daniel Thomas – Daniel worked very diligently to study for his English 11 Midterm exam and received the highest grade of 58 students. Congratulations, Daniel! – Ms. Chris Roach
Anthony Tomblin – Anthony is a very hard working student! He continues to do his best in English 10 no matter how challenging a task may be. I am particularly impressed with how focused Anthony has been on improving his writing this year. Keep up the good work, Anthony! – Mrs. Catherine Norris
Sunee Watthanaphand – Sunee worked very hard and achieved great success in the second quarter. She was well prepared for all tests and quizzes and improved tremendously on her first quarter. Keep up the great work. – Mr. Dave Marhefka
Abbey Weiser – Abbey has done a fantastic job in my Sociology class all year. Her attendance, participation and performance has been on point. Abbey has aced every assessment from the first quarter through now, which is impressive. She has demonstrated ability, higher order thinking and discipline in her preparation for assessments and assignments. For these reasons, Abbey is very deserving of this award. Congratulations! – Mr. Cory Brady
Tyler Whiteman – Tyler is simply an outstanding student who shows tremendous academic achievement in the classroom along with excellent leadership skills and 100% engagement. Thank you and congratulations! – Mr. Michael Colabianchi
Essence Whitmore – Essence is a terrific student, always engaged and thoughtful. She possesses intrinsic motivation and natural insight, and is a pleasure to have in class. Keep up the great work! -Mrs. Lisa Walker
Rafid Zaman – Rafid has done an outstanding job this quarter in Honors Biology! He is a dedicated and focused student who consistently puts forth the effort to succeed. Keep up the great work! – Mrs.Beth Quirino
“To act in a manner that is honorable, courageous, compassionate and ethical. It results in being viewed with respect, overcoming the difficulty and feeling good about oneself.”
Andre Andreano – Andre has really shown compassion to one of our students who was in the hospital for an extended stay with some medical issues. Upon return to school, the student Andre was helping wasn’t sure of where to find his bus or even where his classrooms were. Andre met with the student to walk to the bus and answered many questions on a daily basis, even on the weekends. Andre went out of his way each morning at school to accommodate the student in need. The respect and care that Andre showed his peers was a blessing. Keep up the great work, Andre. I’m so proud of you! – Mrs. Rachel Hoag
Alexander Baisden – Alex is always cooperative and enthusiastic during class. On this date, class was almost over and everyone was waiting for the bell to ring. There was a student with limited physical abilities accompanied by an attendant in the gym shooting baskets. The basketball shot went awry and landed in the top row of the closed bleachers. Alex was like a gazelle and in a second climbed up the bleachers and retrieved the basketball. Alex did this kind gesture unprompted. This small act just reinforced what most people already know about Alex’s outstanding character. – Ms. Michele Namitka
Gavin Belter – Gavin is kind, compassionate, and extremely helpful in English 11. He is always willing to jump in and work with students who need assistance. I am so proud of Gavin and love having him in class. Keep being you, Gavin! You are AMAZING! – Mrs. Tennille Haugh
Mallory Boduszek – Mallory comes to class with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn. Mallory encourages others around her with her positivity and kindness – Mrs. Christine Shepherd
Grady Bokoch – I asked Grady if he would be willing to be an ambassador for our parochial shadow day. Grady instantly agreed to having an 8th grade student shadow him for the day. On the day of the shadow, I had to move students around and Grady needed to take a student who was not originally scheduled to be with him. Grady had Hayden (8th grader) follow him for the day. After the day ended and Hayden had time to get home to discuss the experience, Hayden’s mom emailed me about the day. His mother explained that Hayden had a wonderful experience with his ambassador. Hayden felt that the day was well worth it, informative and an overall great experience. Hayden’s mother felt that it was wonderful to allow the students to get acclimated before coming to NRHS. Hayden cannot wait to attend next school year and Grady’s character and leadership played a huge part in that. – Mrs. Rachel Hoag
Youssef Dady – Youssef takes it upon himself to help any and all of his neighbors when they have questions about class or homework. He has even continued to help students that he remembers struggling earlier in the year, even though he no longer sits near them. I often hear in class some form of the comment, “I wish I was more like Youssef,” and it is not just because he earns high marks in class, it’s because he genuinely cares about helping make his classmates be a better version of themselves. – Mr. Dan Foley
Anthony DiSisto – Anthony brings the energy every day to Honors Biology II. He’s engaged, asks relevant questions, and has a contagious, positive vibe. One can not help but to feel good when he’s around. Thank you, Anthony, and keep up the great work! – Mr. Sean Drvenkar
Ramez Ghantawe – Ramez was moved to my math class during the middle of the second quarter. In that time, he has shown great strength, resilience and a tremendous desire to learn. He is willing to challenge himself and displays great character in class. Keep it up, Ramez! – Mrs. Amy Vance
Shane Haditsch – Shane is eager to help and works hard, taking great pride in his work. Shane is always smiling and is a joy to be around. – Mrs. Kate West
Alexander LaRiccia – Alex is such a pleasure to have in Spanish I! He always comes to class with a smile on his face and a readiness to learn. He has such a positive attitude and is always willing to help other students during class. After class, he will offer to help me out as well! He shows genuine kindness and respect toward everyone and is very altruistic. ¡Buen trabajo, Rogerio! – Señora Debbie Syroney
Sara Llop i Sanz – Sara is an exceptional student who excels in the subject and improves the class environment with her presence. She is hardworking, diligent, social, and capable. Her frequent participation is admirable and appreciated. I look forward to another semester of continued success. – Mr. Jonathan Dietrich
Elizabeth Paster – In the theatre class, we talk about self-awareness. It is essential to being safe while performing, growing during rehearsals, and following through. We also discuss the importance of ensemble – working together for the good of a production. Both of these require a sense of perspective. Elizabeth has exhibited an admirable sense of perspective this quarter; she acknowledges the needs of others and reaches out to lift them up. I find that praiseworthy. – Ms. Megan Dolar
Paige Patterson – Paige is a student who exemplifies character. She is always doing what she should be doing, even if no one else is looking. She is kind, considerate, always willing to help fellow classmates, and an absolute joy to teach. She sets high goals for herself and works hard to achieve them. Paige, your work ethic will take you any place you want to go. Best wishes. I know your future will be bright. – Mrs. Kriste Smith
“Involved in or committed to something as a cause”
Destiny Aicone – Destiny joined my Spanish III class toward the end of the first quarter and did a great job of working hard to get herself caught up with the content while also getting accustomed to a new school. Destiny participates often in class, has a positive attitude, and works well with her peers. Keep up the great work, Destiny! Fantástico! – Mrs. Corey Durichko
Destiny Aicone – Destiny is doing outstanding work in English 10. Her assignment completion and class participation are commendable, as is the pride she takes in her work. Destiny is a pleasure to have in class and a role model for her peers. – Ms. Michelle Kovach
Sydney Frydryk – Sydney is always trying her best and continually engages in the topic we are covering. She is a positive role model to her peers and gives 100% effort every day. She is working hard and is persistent to improve her grade. Her dedication does not go unnoticed. Please keep up the great work! – Mrs. Adrianne Klein
Madelyn Geschke – Maddie had an exceptional semester in CCP Gov. She thoughtfully embraced all of the simulations and writing assignments because of the exceptional quality of work she produced. I can definitely see her going into a political science or law related field one day! Keep up the great work! – Mrs. Marilyn Orseno
Jordan Griffin – This quarter, Jordan, you have shown such improvement in English as your engagement in the classroom has been on target! Your understanding and knowledge of The Odyssey was on point as through your participation you answered comprehensive questions with accuracy and ease. This not only showed your confidence and knowledge but also encouraged others to participate and engage more in the classroom as well. Keep up the great work! – Ms. Dawn Saringer
Reece Keimer – Reece is a leader in the classroom. He is always involved and ready to participate and answer questions. He works well with the other students and always applies himself and encourages others to do the same! He is a wonderful language student and is a blessing to those around him! – Mrs. Heather Bartel
Allison Krzywicki – Allison Krzywicki has epitomized Engagement as both a student in my AP U.S. History class as well as a member of the World Affairs Club. She has worked hard to get caught up in the course and improve her performance on multiple choice tests. Her implementation of reading and thinking strategies shows tremendous effort and discipline. As a member of the World Affairs Club, her preparation for Model United Nations Conferences serves as an example to others and she has earned recognition from members of the Cleveland Council of World Affairs for her efforts. – Mr. Matt Kish
Miranda Olson – Miranda is a consistent and welcome contributor to classroom discussions. Her knowledge, sense of humor, and engagement in the classroom environment make the class better. – Mr. Sean Folk
Elizabeth Paster – Lizzy Paster deserves to be recognized for her remarkable improvement in the second quarter. Lizzy has become more engaged and invested in each lesson and has been working harder than ever before to keep up and find success. Geometry can be a frustrating subject at times and while Lizzy is not shy about expressing her frustration, she always finds some humor in the situation and works through it. I am so proud that Lizzy’s uptick in effort has led to almost a TWO letter grade jump. Excellent job, Miss Lizzy! – Mr. Matt Ciha
Kaylin Paulozzi – Classes each have distinct personalities, which is always due to the students who are in the room that semester. This year the journalism class was fortunate to have Kaylin as part of our roster. She was always engaged in the material and discussions, making the course much more valuable for everyone. Whether we were reviewing news story leads or current events, Kaylin was always all in, which was infectious, inspiring her peers to do the same. She always had a way of lifting the spirits of the entire class. All of this, coupled with the fact that she’s an amazing writer who is extremely talented with the written word, makes her beyond worthy of this distinction. – Mr. Michael Hemery
Nicole Thomas – Nicole exemplifies the meaning of engagement by working hard everyday in my class. I have had her in German for three years and in that time she has truly blossomed. At the beginning she was not the A student she has become. Her hard work and effort to succeed has helped her to get better every day. It has been a privilege to have her in my class. I know that whatever path she chooses in life will bring her success. Viel Glück! – Frau Klann
Haylie Villao – Haylie has consistently been one of the highest achieving students in Honors English 11 this year. She works tirelessly to do her best work on every assignment. Notably, her written responses display an extremely high level of critical thinking. In addition to her many achievements, Haylie takes pride in her academics by going out of her way to ask additional questions; whether it be a penetrating question about a reading assignment, or a simple clarification on directions, Haylie’s level of engagement is outstanding. – Mr. Aaron Garman
“The art of motivating a group of people towards achieving a common goal”
Grace Isabella – Grace is constantly a leader in class, and her classmates really look up to her. Great job, Grace! – Ms. Lauren Stefancin
Luke Johnson – Luke was a leader in the class by the way he participated and showed involvement in the class. When we were working in small groups, Luke would take charge of his group and make sure everyone was working. He would also help students who were struggling to make sure all kids were learning. – Mr. Bryan Bielak
Hunter Pratt – Hunter brings great energy to the class every day. He is always helpful to every student in our class and is always a pleasure to be around. I appreciate his efforts to include EVERYBODY in all of our class activities. The little things Hunter does daily to make a difference do not go unnoticed. Students like Hunter make NORO a great place to be! – Mr. Nick Lapsevich
Savannah Pratt – I think of the saying “In a world where you can be anything…. just be kind.” Every time I read this, I think of Savannah! She is a student who is always ready to help another student. Savannah spoke kindly to everyone in our Health class and always had a smile on her face. – Mrs. Barb Soza
Luka Sunjaveric – Luka always has a positive attitude, participates and is willing to help his classmates, which makes him a class leader and top notch Spanish student! Keep up the good work! ¡Bien hecho, Luís! – Señora Sandy