Adversity brings Out Acts of Community

Some say “when the going get tough, the tough get going.” The going has been tough lately, but it might be more fitting to say “the kind-hearted get going!” Through the trials that have been experienced with the recent pandemic, one silver lining is comprised of those kind individuals who think of others and act for the sake of their community. Although there are hundreds of examples of North Royalton residents who have gone the extra mile, big and small, here are a few examples: Resident, Terri Long is participating in the “million mask challenge”, which matches up sewing vol ....

Apr 14, 2020

Town Hall Topics

The April meeting of the North Royalton City Council took place on Tuesday, April 7. The meeting was held in Council chambers, but most of the Council members, as well as some audience members, attended via teleconferencing software. Mayor Larry Antoskiewicz thanked all the city workers. “Everybody is doing a really great job during this trying time.” North Royalton Fire Department Chief, Bob Chegan thanked the Mayor and his administration for his full support not only the Fire Dept. but all the city departments.” He noted that he and the Mayor are in constant contact every day. H ....

Apr 14, 2020

A world pandemic unfolds, hits home

Although this is not the first pandemic of recent times, the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has most certainly made the most impact across the United States, the State of Ohio, right down to North Royalton. As far as it has been reported so far, it first started in December, 2019, when the World Health Organization (WHO) office in China reported a pneumonia of unknown cause that was detected in Wuhan, China. An outbreak was then declared as a public health emergency of international concern on January 30, 2020. On February 11, 2020, the WHO officials announced the name for the new coronavir ....

Apr 14, 2020

County warns of COVID-19 impostor scams

The Cuyahoga County Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) is warning residents about scams surrounding COVID-19. “People should exercise caution in handling any email with a Coronavirus/COVID-19-related subject line, attachment, or hyperlink, and be wary of social media pleas, texts, or calls related to COVID-19,” said DCA officials. “Local and federal IT security specialists have already reported malware-laden COVID-19 spam. In addition, the Federal Trade Commission and Food and Drug Administration have sent warning letters to companies that are peddling special teas, colloidal silver ....

Apr 14, 2020

Support Our Local Restaurants during Coronavirus Crisis

These are very challenging times here in North Royalton and all around the world. Our routines have been disrupted and we feel we are at a standstill. In time, the Coronavirus will be gone and we all will be back to our normal activities. Until that day comes, however, we must all do what we can to stay healthy and help each other. While residents are following Governor Mike DeWine’s Stay-at-Home rule, the restaurant industry is being hit very hard since they are closed for in-house dining. The good news is that some restaurants and bars are still offering carryout and delivery ....

Apr 1, 2020