Grants allow ease in walking from here to there

In order to enhance the ability to walk around North Royalton, city officials have been working to get grants to help implement the plan. To date, three grants have been received and the three projects are in various stages of development. These grants have been awarded through the Transportation for Livable Community Initiative (TLCI), administered through the Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA). The TLCI mission is to improve the livability in Northeast Ohio’s communities through the support of NOACA’s Regional Strategic Plan and long-range transportation plan. This is done ....

Aug 6, 2019

School building construction projects making progress

With August, comes the buzz of back to school activities. Parents are busy purchasing new school supplies and outfits for their students to begin a new school year. The North Royalton School District is also abuzz with activity for the new school year, and also with construction projects that can be seen around the North Royalton Middle School/High School campus, as well as the beginnings of the new elementary school. North Royalton School Superintendent Greg Gurka said that things are going well with the plethora of projects. He recently gave a run down of what is going on at this point o ....

Aug 6, 2019

Grant to give City Green a new look for the holidays

It may not have been Christmas in July, but Christmas was most certainly being discussed last month, as city officials and members of the Holiday Lighting Committee made plans for the upcoming holidays. Earlier this spring, the city received notice that they would be receiving a grant to be used to upgrade their holiday lighting display. The grant of $121,350 has been received through the Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council (NOPEC) Energized Community (NEC) Grant Program. According to NOPEC officials, “the NOPEC Energized Community (NEC) Grant Program provides grants to NOPEC member com ....

Aug 6, 2019

NR Homesteaders 4-H Club will have a record number of market projects for sale at the County Fair Livestock Auction this weekend

The North Royalton Homesteaders 4-H Club members are once again competing at the Cuyahoga County Fair, which takes place August 6-11th at the fairgrounds in Berea. The club, which has been in existence for over 25 years in North Royalton and is 20+ members strong, is a familiar sight around the city, providing a petting zoo for several large community events, including the St. Albert’s Family Festival, the North Royalton Pet Carnival, and the North Royalton Harvest Festival. North Royalton Homesteaders 4-H Club members will have a record number of market projects for sale at the County Fa ....

Aug 6, 2019

New State budget affects both city and schools

The Ohio legislature and Governor Mike DeWine have recently adopted the State of Ohio biennium budget. This budget totaled about $69 billion. The City of North Royalton and the North Royalton School District are receiving preliminary information about how that budget will affect their finances in the upcoming two years. In 2019, the state received $72 billion in revenue and had $2.96 billion in their rainy day fund. Although the deadline for the state’s budget is June 30, the legislators missed the deadline, passing a 17-day budget extension, which was needed to continue to fund the stat ....

Aug 6, 2019