Bicentennial time capsule to be buried in October
Efforts to unearth a time capsule buried 50 years ago as part of the city’s sesquicentennial celebration have come to a halt. The time capsule, buried Sept. 23, 1969, at the G.A.R. Soldiers Monument in North Royalton Cemetery, was reportedly moved to a new location due to land restrictions set by the V.F.W., the owner of the burial site, which was unknown by city officials at the time of the capsule’s burial, according to an article in the Royalton Recorder dated Oct. 23, 1969. However, no record was kept as to the time capsule’s new location and officials haven’t come across any arc ....
Council eyes placing removal of term limits on ballot
When it comes to limiting the number of terms a political position may serve, does it ensure that corruption will not take place, or by doing so, do the voters give up the opportunity to vote on a candidate they feel most qualified? Therein lies the question. North Royalton Council will be voting in September whether to pose the question to North Royalton voters. Legislation was introduced at the July 17 City Council meeting that could place the question of removing the term limits on the positions of Mayor, Council President and City Council members. If this legislation is approved, the ques ....
The end of an era – Low participation forces cancellation of Festival Pageant
They say that all good things come to an end. For the North Royalton Festival Pageant, that is true, unfortunately. The Festival Pageant did not draw enough contestants to fill the court, and the difficult decision was made to suspend the event. For many years the beauty pageant was a vibrant event that drew dozens of young ladies and little boys to vie for the title of Miss, Princess, Sweetheart, Little Miss and Little Prince North Royalton. It was an exciting time, getting ready for the big day, appearing on stage and talking with the judges in hopes they would be chosen for their respectiv ....
JOA Picnic in the Park brings folks together for a good cause
The community has a lot of love for John Owen Dumm, a 14-year-old North Royalton teenager diagnosed in 2008 with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a fatal disease characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness. Over the years, his story has garnered the support of thousands throughout northeast Ohio and this summer’s 11th annual “Picnic in the Park” event at German Central in Parma was no different. More than 1,000 guests attended the July 14 event, which aims to “Derail Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy” through raffles, children’s games and contests, bingo and sideboards, a ....
Bring your furry friends to the Pet Carnival this Sunday
Let the 200th Birthday festivities begin! The North Royalton Animal Hospital and Paws At Play Resort and Daycare will once again host its annual Pet Carnival on the City Green from 1 to 4 p.m. July 29. The event, which coincides with the citywide Sidewalk Sale encouraging local shopping, will officially kick off the community’s bicentennial celebration. The 13th annual Pet Carnival embraces all-things pet, especially canines, with more than 20 vendor tables, special appearances, family activities and refreshments. Started by North Royalton Animal Hospital Director Adam Hechko and his team, ....