NRSD Sup't. Greg Gurka on State of the Schools: Don’t settle for good when you can strive to be great!
Several dozen people attended the North Royalton School District’s (NRSD) State of the Schools address, given by North Royalton School Superintendent Greg Gurka. The event, held on February 17, was a Chamber of Commerce event, sponsored by Cuyahoga Community College CCC West. Newly-appointed President of the CCC Western Campus, Dr. Donna Imhoff, was introduced and offered a few comments. Gurka began, “2015 was a year of great successes for our district and also a time of great challenges.” He noted that last year, the district concluded its five-year Strategic Plan and developed a new t ....
Royalton Recorder marks 75 years of documenting life in North Royalton (Years 1968 – 1970)
In 1968, North Royalton was still a farm based community. The January 11 Recorder reported that Royal Ridge Poultry Farm, 14638 Ridge Road, added a Frozen Egg Division. Three trucks from Royal Ridge collected eggs from 20 surrounding farms for preparation and sale. Extra eggs would be pasteurized, frozen, then sold to bakeries, egg nog makers, and other businesses. Agriculture is not even a second thought today. Royalton Farms, an orchard on State Road, produces apples available from late August until sold out. Grace Brothers Nursery, Ridge Road, offers farm produce shares through a Community ....
Valley Vista students include paper hugs in care packages for troops
Valentine’s Day is past but that hasn’t stopped Valley Vista Students from showing they have a big heart for our men and women in the service. The students, their families and the PTA collected dozens and dozens of items to send to the troops. On February 17, during “Random Act of Kindness Week,” there was a great big packing activity. Helena Johnson, PTA mom, has a friend who has a brother that was serving in Afghanistan so for Christmas 2014, got some classrooms to donate care packages which were sent directly to him. “This year I mentioned it to the PTA, and Principal Jeff Hill; ....
Deer hunting issue on March 15 ballot
Voters will have an opportunity to vote on potential legislation that would allow for controlled hunting of white-tailed deer in North Royalton. The measure has been placed on the March 15 Primary ballot. Although hunting is currently forbidden in North Royalton, “ the exploding regional deer population urgently requires deer management efforts. The white-tailed deer population in urban areas has grown to unmanageable numbers with the corresponding financial loss suffered by property owners, in the destruction of plants, flowers, trees and other edible landscaping. Additionally, deer/vehicl ....
Royalton Recorder marks 75 years of documenting life in North Royalton (Years 1965-1967)
This is part of a series of articles that will continue throughout the Recorder's 75th anniversary year. The Recorder will take us through time, from the early 1940s when North Royalton was a small village and through the decades leading us to today, a modern city. We hope will like reading these stories as much as we enjoy preparing them. We hope you will share them with your friends. Businesses in North Royalton in 1965, were doing well, the two new interstates I77, and I71 would bring more cross town traffic to area, and greater development, too. The big traffic questio ....