The April meeting of the North Royalton Board of Education took place on Monday, April 17. The Board approved the following tax budget for the next succeeding fiscal year, commencing January 1, 2024, to be levied within and without the ten-mill limitation as follows: General Fund Inside, 5.00; General Fund Outside, 53.90; Total General Fund, 58.90; Permanent Improvement Fund Inside, 1.00; Permanent Improvement Fund Outside, .50; Bond Retirement Fund, 4.30; Grand Total, 64.70. The Board approved an agreement to enter into an annual financial statement services with the Local Government Servi ....

Apr 25, 2023

Orange barrels popping up during city road projects

Now that the spring weather is in full force, so is the 2023 Road Maintenance Program, which takes place each year. The City develops a plan of the roads that are in the most need and sets a budget to start those projects. In March, City Council adopted three pieces of legislation that approved bids for the 2023 Road Maintenance Program. They accepted the bid of American Roadway Logistics as the lowest and best bid for pavement marking; the bid of Crossroads Asphalt Recycling, Incorporated as the lowest and best bid for equipment and general pavement services and the bid of Independence Cemen ....

Apr 25, 2023

NOPEC mails residents enrollment letters

Residents who have not elected to contract their electric provider elsewhere should be receiving a letter from NOPEC regarding NOPEC electric enrollment. Also, those residents who have not contracted a gas supplier elsewhere will also receive a letter on the NOPEC natural gas enrollment. Residents receiving letters do not need to do anything if they wish to remain in the NOPEC aggregation programs. If they wish to utilize another supplier, they must respond by mail, or by faxing the opt-out form to 440-774-4422, or call NOPEC’s Customer Care Center at 855-667-3201 to opt out of the program. ....

Apr 25, 2023

Council discusses lengthening and staggering terms

City Council began discussion on the possibility of extending the number of terms City Council members can serve and also staggering the Council terms. The initial discussion took place at a recent Council Rules and Ordinances Committee meeting. If a change is determined, the measure would go to the voters under the form of a charter amendment. Currently, the North Royalton City Charter states that “each Ward Councilperson is to serve for a term of two (2) years commencing with the November election of 1979 and every two (2) years thereafter. No person elected Ward Councilperson shall hold ....

Apr 25, 2023

North Royalton City Schools Announce Teacher of the Year

On March 29, Cindy Richards, fourth-grade teacher at North Royalton Elementary School, was recognized as the Teacher of the Year. She has worked in the District for 25 years. According to Principal Kirk Pavelich… Cindy is an absolute rock star when it comes to planning meaningful and engaging lessons with her intervention specialist co-teaching partner. Relationships with students serve as the foundation for Cindy’s classroom, as she works tirelessly to provide everyone an equal opportunity to achieve at their fullest potential. Her rapport with students is phenomenal, as they place thei ....

Apr 11, 2023