St. Albert’s parishioners take part in Service Day 2021
More than 2000 volunteers signed up for this year’s Parish Service Day, held on October 8-9, 2021. A variety of Blessings Bags for area nursing homes, hygiene bags for the Westside Catholic Center, St. Aloysius preschool, Cornerstone of Hope, layette bags for MetroHealth Friends of Mothers and Infants, and more were put together by over 1,200 volunteers. Several dozen other projects were completed. Some included preparing 310 fleece comfort blankets for the Christ Child Society “my stuff” bags for children in homeless shelters. More than 40 seniors registered to enjoy a morning of Bing ....
School Board News
The North Royalton Board of Education held their October meeting on Monday, October 11. The Board approved the Fiscal Year 2022 Five-Year Forecast. It then approved additions to the comprehensive continuous improvement plan grants for 2021-22: ARP IDEA Special Education, $225,578.46; ARP IDEA Early Childhood, $16,699.28. The Board approved the following 2021-22 fund appropriation adjustments: Permanent Improvement, from $2,907,250 to $3,392,250; 006 Food Service, from $898,900. to $1,717.648.63; 019 Other Local Grants, from $278,465.16 to $291,088.84; 516 IDEA, from $1,107,986.92 to $1,333,5 ....
Council approves Storefront Renovation Rebate Program
The North Royalton City Council unanimously approved the City’s 2021-22 Storefront Renovation Rebate Program at their latest meeting. The program is designed to assist some business owners in the city with the improvement of the facades of their storefronts or assist in correcting exterior code violations. The legislation states that “improvements to and redevelopment of the City of North Royalton’s stock of industrial, office, retail and commercial buildings is integral to the continued economic health of the City of North Royalton, Ohio, and its citizens; and the use of governmental r ....
NRHS students surpass goal in annual Food Drive
“This was by far the best food drive we coordinated in over a decade,” said Jonathan Dietrich. “I'm so thrilled, proud and physically overwhelmed as my room is FILLED with food.” The food drive at North Royalton High School ran from September 27 through October 7. The goal: 2,021 food items in the year 2021. In previous years, the school would average 900-1,100 items. An extra incentive this year was a raffle of a $25 gift card. Every time a student dropped off an item in Dietrich’s classroom, they would get a raffle ticket. Each day, this spirited teacher would recor ....
County re-appraisals show increased property valuations
Cuyahoga County has recently sent property owners their reappraisals on their property. Notices were mailed to more than 489,000 properties in Cuyahoga County. As in many cases in Cuyahoga County, North Royalton property has seen an increase. According to the Cuyahoga County Fiscal Office, “Under Ohio Law, (ORC 5713 and 5713.33) the County Fiscal Officer is responsible for the valuation of all real estate. There are two cycles performed to complete this task. One is the sexennial reappraisal (every six years) and the other is a triennial update (every third year between reappraisals). 2018 ....