Meals on Wheels marks 20th year here
The term Meals on Wheels goes back to the Blitz of London in WWII. Most people lost their homes and ability to cook for themselves, so the Women’s Volunteer Service for Civil Defense started cooking and delivering meals to homes and military food trucks called canteens. The canteens were mobile, so the meals became known as “Meals on Wheels.” In 1954, at the request of the Philadelphia Health & Welfare Council, home delivered meals began. It was originally meant for folks convalescing from a hospital stay. Monday through Friday high school kids delivered a hot meal and cold meal on a ....
City Council approves union contract, pay hikes
The North Royalton City Council unanimously adopted legislation that authorized Mayor Larry Antoskiewicz to enter into a two-year contract with the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Ohio Council 8, Local 3410 (AFSCME) as the bargaining representative for certain members of the Wastewater and Service and Building Departments. This is the second, of the City’s union contracts this year to be approved. Last June, the City entered into a contract with the Firefighter’s Union, the International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL-CIO Local 2156. In addition to these ....
Health Fair and Family Expo offered info, products and services
Right on time at 9 a.m., the North Royalton Health Fair and Family Expo began with a free pancake and sausage breakfast, courtesy of President of Council Paul Marnecheck and his crew of fellow council members, Harry Swatzlander from Royalton Schools and Mayor Larry Antoskiewicz. It was the first stop before moving on to visit a whole list of vendors. Each person coming to the health fair received a bingo type sheet listing the vendors. For each vendor the fairgoer visited, they received a sticker to be placed on a designated square. When the fairgoer finished their sheet, they could enter for ....
Royal Redeemer dedication to Servant Saturday continues
It’s going to take something more than COVID to bring Servant Saturday to a halt. For the past 15 years, members of Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church have dedicated a Saturday in the spring and fall to help others in North Royalton and surrounding communities with various projects. Some of the activities involve raking leaves, yard work and household chores. Other activities involve playing bingo with nursing home residents and cleaning up animal shelters and parks. “Being the ‘hands and feet’ of Jesus is about sharing the love of Christ in tangible and practical ways, and that’s what ....
St. Albert the Great Pet Blessing was a drive-by success
For more than a decade, St. Albert the Great has had a Blessing of the Pets on the first Sunday of October in honor of St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of dogs and animals. The one o’clock pet blessing was about to begin, but the usual gathering of pets on the lawn was missing. This year the pet blessing took place as a drive-by. Cars began to line up at 12:45 p.m., after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. The drive-by concept was certainly different, but done due to Covid precautions. As the Church carillon chimed the one o’clock hour, there were about 100 cars lined up and ready for their pets ....