City to end one recycling option

Mayor Larry Antoskiewicz reported that he will be terminating the contract with Simple Recycling at the July 6 City Council Streets Committee meeting. He said that the company had suspended their service during the pandemic and were asked to send a letter to residents to notify them on the measure, but they did not. He also said that they have not resumed their service. In April, 2018, City Council unanimously adopted legislation which allowed the Mayor to enter into an agreement for the curbside collection, recycling and disposition of soft recyclables with Great Lakes Recycling, Incorporate ....

Jul 19, 2021

Summer is for slowing down and enjoying more

Once upon a time, not long ago, summer was a carefree time for children. They spent those long, hot days playing outside with the other kids in the neighborhood. Home was always an after-thought and they only stopped there to grab a popsicle and briefly check-in with a grown-up before heading off again. They did one sport or pursued one hobby, but no structured activities or screen-time consumed their days. Plans, if any were made at all, were dreamed up on the fly and each warm day brought a new adventure or idea to try. Nothing, it seemed, was out of reach. This was my summer as a kid growi ....

Jul 19, 2021

School Board News

The August meeting of the North Royalton Board of Education took place on Monday, July 12. Several residents addressed the Board regarding Critical Race Theory and the values that are being taught to students. Another resident talked about having to tie in to the sewer system near the new elementary school. The Board approved the Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan grants for 2021-22 as listed. Title I-A Improving Basic Programs $351,614.59 Title II-A Support Effective Instruction $90,380.80 Title III Language Instruction for English Learners $ 21,282.42 Title IV-A Student Support ....

Jul 19, 2021

State of the City moves to a virtual format

Mayor Larry Antoskiewicz is releasing his 2021 State of the City address a bit differently this year. His presentation can be seen on the city’s website, He stated that “as many community members may have noticed, this is an unconventional format for this address, but, as we know too well, the past year has been anything but conventional. We all experienced a new way of doing things – working from home, socializing through Zoom, even grocery shopping online. But we endured and survived. Yes, 2020 was one for the history books, and I think everyone can agree, it’s ....

Jul 19, 2021

Improvements at Memorial Park are ready to start

Mayor Larry Antoskiewicz is ready to start making improvements to the City’s Memorial Park. This comes after a presentation of the Memorial Park Master Plan (not to be confused with the City’s Master Plan) was delivered to the North Royalton City Council recently. The plan has also been shared with the City’s Recreation Committee. In his State of the City Address, Antoskiewicz noted that the city has “been in the midst of another master planning effort for our Memorial Park to design and implement upgrades there that will rejuvenate the space and better utilize this asset to its full ....

Jul 19, 2021