State legislation amendment helps School District’s bottom line

North Royalton School officials have just closed the books on the 2020 fiscal year financials. At the time of this writing, they expect that they will have ended on a positive note, partially as a result of an amendment to an Ohio bill that would reduce district funding. “Thanks to House Bill 164, the North Royalton Schools will see their reduction of funds decrease from $1.1 million to approximately $642,500,” confirmed North Royalton City Schools Superintendent Greg Gurka. The bill was introduced in the Ohio House of Representatives on March 25, 2019 and in the Ohio Senate on November 1 ....

Jul 7, 2020

Community Garden Experiences Growing Pains

The North Royalton Community Garden is not only growing like gang busters this year with the summer’s bounty of fresh vegetables, but also the garden, itself, is growing in size! The garden, since its inception has been very popular with residents, a waiting list is continually being maintained and updated. With that, there has been talk over the years about expanding the garden. Several years ago, there was a planned expansion, which was to take place with the assistance of an Eagle Scout project. Unfortunately, that did not take place. The garden committee continued to discuss various pot ....

Jul 7, 2020

Cemetery refurbishing continues

The facelift of the North Royalton Cemetery continues. North Royalton City Council adopted legislation at their June 16 meeting that approves a change order regarding the one of the cemetery projects that recently commenced. North Royalton’s main cemetery has been targeted for a sprucing up over the past few years by the City administration. The cemetery is located at 6170 Royalton Road, and is one of two cemeteries in North Royalton. The City started the process to refurbish the stone outbuilding, known as the receiving vault last year. The building once served to hold the deceased over th ....

Jul 7, 2020

Mayor reverses decision, jail now to remain open

On June 22, Mayor Larry Antoskiewicz released a statement stating that the North Royalton Jail will remain open, as an understanding was reached with the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) Lodge 15, Correction Officers. The agreement is pending an opportunity for the Corrections Officers to reduce expenses and increase revenue. “I am pleased for all parties that we are now able to work together with our corrections officers in a concerted effort to address the historical, annual deficits in the operation of our city jail, “ said Antoskiewicz. He had announced the jail closing on April 29. Th ....

Jun 23, 2020

School Board News

The North Royalton Board of Education held their regular monthly meeting on Monday, June 8. The meeting was held virtually. North Royalton School Superintendent, Greg Gurka noted that there were forty six participants in this Zoom Board meeting. He thought that they were in attendance to support those who were being honored that day. He said that there were a lot of people on the agenda being hired today and some that were retiring, making it a happy day and a bittersweet day. “We are honored and graced by the people we are saying goodbye to and I know the people we are saying hello to will ....

Jun 23, 2020