On Friday, January 10, more than two hundred residents and associates gathered at the Carrie Cerino’s Grand Ballroom for cocktails, dinner and dancing to celebrate the inauguration of newly elected Mayor Larry Antoskiewicz, Council President Paul Marnecheck and the North Royalton City Council. The Ball was sponsored by Harley and Gary Gross, Frank Mahnic, Jr. and Associates, Specialized Construction Incorporated, Rise in Love and Thomas A. and Kathleen Kelly.
“This evening is about the dedication of not only the elected officials, but of the many friends, family and co-workers, whose invaluable support enables us to work for the betterment of our community,” stated Antoskiewicz. “On behalf of myself and all Council members, we wish to thank our guests for sharing this celebration.”
The evening started off with hors d’oeuvres and cocktails. Ohio House District 7 Representative Thomas Patton, Master of Ceremonies, made opening remarks and presented the North Royalton officials. The swearing in of Council members, Ward 1, Jessica Fenos; Ward 2, Linda Barath; Ward 3, Dan Langshaw; Ward 5, Vincent Weimer; and Ward 6, Michael Wos then took place. Council President Paul Marnecheck was then sworn in and then the swearing in of Mayor Larry Antoskiewicz took place. Pastor John Zahrte, from Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church, offered a prayer over the Mayor and Council.
“I feel fortunate to be able to serve as Mayor of North Royalton,” Antoskiewicz said. “There are many people to thank who helped me achieve this honor, starting with my wife and family, who supported me through countless hours, knocking on doors, putting literature together and making phone calls. And I can’t forget my two grandchildren, Olivia and Elijah, who rode their skates and scooters, putting flyers on doors.”
He then went on to say, “It would be difficult to name everyone, but when I look around the room, I know everyone here played a part in helping me and for that I am very thankful. I do have to personally thank our outgoing Mayor, who served twelve years and laid a solid foundation for us to build upon. Thank you, Mayor Stefanik. I am looking forward to working with our new City Council and Council President. I sense the fresh excitement, commitment and ideas they will bring to the city. Congratulations to all,” said Antoskiewicz.
Antoskiewicz then went on to say that “any successful Mayor needs a solid, hardworking team, and I am confident that I have assembled a group of directors to help me execute my vision, which includes maintaining conservative spending; an ongoing focus on storm water and road infrastructure; continuing responsible management of city services; enhancing our city image; improving community engagement; supporting local businesses and schools; and sustaining our strong safety forces. I am eager to accept the responsibility of Mayor and continue to guide our city forward, by learning from the past and reshaping the present to create an even brighter future for North Royalton.”
A toast by Patton was then given and a prayer by Father Edward Estok, Pastor from Saint Albert the Great Catholic Church, was then offered. The night then was open to dancing by Grand Avenue Band.
Antoskiewicz noted that he “would also like to extend my deep appreciation to all those that helped organize and plan the Inaugural Ball.” Proceeds from the event are being donated to Rhizo Kids.
Contributing Writer
Community celebrates swearing-in of new Mayor and Council at Inaugural Ball
Royalton Recorder Community celebrates swearing-in of new Mayor and Council at Inaugural BallJan 14, 2020