The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration’s National Medication Take Day is this Saturday, October 27, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. There are two drop-off location for residents’ convenience: Timber Ridge Plaza at 9199 Sprague and Giant Eagle at 6000 Royalton Road. This is a great opportunity to dispose of unwanted, unused, and expired medications, keeping them from falling into the wrong hands or harming the environment. This initiative addresses a vital public safety and health issue. It also promotes community action, helps increase public awareness, attention, and education related to the dangers and devastating effects of drug abuse.
The next Drug Take Back Day will be held in the spring. For those who are not able to participate this Saturday, you can still dispose of any expired or unused over-the-counter and prescription medicines at the North Royalton Police Department, 14000 Bennett Road. The convenient drug drop box is located in the lobby and is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Dispose of unused or expired meds safely – Drug Take Back Day is October 27
Royalton Recorder Dispose of unused or expired meds safely – Drug Take Back Day is October 27Oct 26, 2018