Events such as the current coronavirus (Covid-19) not only has an impact of the practical flow of your day-to-day lives, but also can impact your sense of control, leaving you to feel powerless in your own life and the lives around you. While there is so much, at this point, that you cannot control, there are some things that you can do to help yourself and those around you.
Protect Yourself
Follow the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and those of the local, state and federal government. Take steps to protect yourself and your family: The CDC advises to wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in public, or after coughing/sneezing/blowing your nose; use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, covering all of your hands, rubbing them until they feel dry; avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands; cover your mouth when you cough, or cough into the bend of your arm; keep a distance between yourself and other people; avoid crowds as much as possible; routinely clean and disinfect your home. If you are sick, the CDC advises you to stay home; call your healthcare provider’s office in advance of a visit; limit your movement in the community and limit visitors. To help cope with stress, take breaks from the news and social media; eat healthy, exercise, get plenty of sleep and avoid drugs and alcohol; try to relax and unwind; talk with people you trust. Follow these websites for current updates: ;; .
Prepare, but Don’t Overdo It
Keep necessities on hand, including cleaning supplies, medical supplies, food and medications. If you can get medications in advance, it would be a good time to do it. Don’t stockpile though, remembering that everyone is in the same boat. Be mindful that the delivery option is good, but there are only so many delivery people to go around, so be thoughtful of the elderly and those who must be quarantined.
Help Children Cope while Out of School
Schools are closed for the time being and students are doing online learning. The North Royalton City Schools are continuously updating their website. It states in part, “The health, safety and well-being of the students and staff at North Royalton City Schools is a priority and we are closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19… During this time of school closure, we know that there are some children who are affected by the closure of school. The North Royalton City Schools’ Food Service program is planning to provide the opportunity for a daily bagged lunch and a breakfast for the next day for students at no charge beginning Wednesday, March 18, 2020. …It is our intent to help families during this time of schools being closed. If you have any questions, please contact Mary Ellen Feigi, Food Service Director, at or 440-582-9041.” Check for more updates. Help children overcome the boredom of staying in by letting them “visit” museums, zoos, art galleries, or aquariums online from the comfort of their own homes. A listing of these virtual exhibits can be found at the following listing:
Reach Out to Those Most Vulnerable
Older adults and people with certain conditions are being told to be extra cautious, which can lead to isolation. Check on those friends, relatives and neighbors and ask if you can be of assistance. If you are going to the store, or ordering online, ask if they need anything. Make sure they have enough food and supplies on hand. Even if they don’t need anything, a phone call to check in and taking some time to chat will help those in isolation. Be supportive of their worries, as time alone can make these types of thoughts spiral.
Patronize Local Business
Local businesses are being hit hard with the virus. Local restaurants, such as Niko’s Bar & Gyros 440.237.6456; Cleats Club Seat Grille 440.237.2665; Michael’s Place 440.237.2212; and Inn Between Bar & Grill 440.582.3352, are offering take out and delivery. Check their websites and Facebook pages for menu offerings.
The North Royalton Food Bank has indicated a need of non-perishable items. “Our food donations have greatly decreased over the past two weeks,” said Terry Close, Food Bank official. “It would be a great help to us if members of the community would bring donations directly to Royal Redeemer’s church entrance off of Abbey Road during business hours 8-4 M-F. We will have a place to leave donations marked with signage. At this point any shelf stable item would be welcomed. We have specific urgent need for dry cereal, pasta noodles of any type, spaghetti sauce, chunky soups, canned chili or stew, canned tuna or chicken, peanut butter, hamburger helper, rice, instant mashed potatoes.” Royal Redeemer is located at 11680 Royalton Rd, North Royalton, and can be reached at (440) 237-7988.
Contributing Writer
Help yourself and others during COVID-19 crisis
Royalton Recorder Help yourself and others during COVID-19 crisisMar 24, 2020