As construction of the new high school persists and much of its extensive history is replaced with modern classrooms and contemporary technology, the North Royalton Alumni Association has dedicated the landmark bell tower to North Royalton High School to serve as an emblem of commemoration to the North Royalton community. On Tuesday, September 8, officers of the Alumni Association gathered to unveil the new home for the bell, with Alumni Association member Marlyn Cerino ringing the bell to recall memories from their youth.
Previously held in Heritage Hallway, the 100-year-old, cast-steel bell will now be displayed in the tower above the North Gate at Serpentini Chevrolet Stadium. The 300-pound bell, adorned with lights to allow others to view it from afar, allows for alumni to fondly reminisce over their high school days and provides community members with an ever present reminder of North Royalton’s past.
“I believe that the bell tower is a symbol of the community’s history and what it was like when it was a smaller city. Back in the early days, almost everything revolved around the schools and the kids in their various programs and activities,” said Assistant Superintendent Jim Presot, North Royalton City Schools. Dating back to its creation in the early 1900s, the bell was housed in a grandeur two-story bell tower with immense room, allotting space for the principal’s office on the second floor of the building. Ringing promptly at 9 a.m., the chime of the bell indicated the beginning of the school day for students of the former E.E. Root High School.
In the early 1970s, school administration placed it on a mobile cart beside the football field to allow band members and cheerleaders alike the opportunity to ring the bell to signal points earned by the North Royalton Bears Football Team, allowing for a celebration from those in the stands.
“So many people who grew up in North Royalton, who attended school and continue to live here, remember the bell and remember it being rung after football games,” said Presot. While the dedication of the bell helps to preserve much of North Royalton High School’s substantial history, administration has implemented a variety of new ideas to allow for continued commemoration, such as the creation of the “Wall of Fame.” Located in the new high school, the Wall of Fame allows people, both inside and outside of the building, to access yearbooks, records, and an abundance of historical information regarding the school.
“After the football games, the entire crowd and players would walk to the bell tower and ring the bell after the team won its game,” said Alumni Association Board Member Bob Abram. “This was something really special as the entire community could celebrate together. It was a big deal when I was growing up.”
“My memory of the bell was on a cart on the sideline of the old field and it was a big deal to ring the bell when our team scored a goal or a touchdown,” said Principal Sean Osborne, North Royalton High School. “It will be so nice to hear the bell ring again in success and victory. The bell finally has a home that is commensurate with the importance of the memories it spurs.”
With the dedication of the new bell tower by the Alumni Association, the creation of the new high school will be perfectly complemented by the historical presence of the nearby bell tower. “My personal hope is that people will look at the bell and remember all of the positive things about NRHS and the lasting memories they will or have made over the years,” said Presot.
NR Alumni Association dedicates historic Bell Tower to NRHS
Royalton Recorder NR Alumni Association dedicates historic Bell Tower to NRHSSep 22, 2020