With the recent close of the deer hunting season, the North Royalton numbers are in. With this season’s end, North Royalton Chief of Police, Keith Tarase, reported the 2024-25 season’s update to Council at a recent Council Safety Committee meeting. The Ohio Deer Hunting Season for 2024-25, for archery started on September 14, 2024 and concluded on February 2, 2025, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.
According to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife, white-tailed deer are Ohio’s most popular game animal. The 2025-26 deer hunting dates are similar to last season. “As in years past, only one antlered deer may be harvested, regardless of where or how it is taken, and a hunter cannot exceed a county bag limit.” Although bag limits were increased two years ago in eighteen Ohio counties in order to slow herd growth, Cuyahoga County was not included. The Ohio Wildlife Council is an eight-member board that approves all Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife proposed rules and regulations
The Deer Hunting Program in North Royalton began in 2016 after voters approved a measure on the March 2016 ballot. In 2021 the program was changed to one doe before getting a buck,” according to North Royalton Police Chief Keith Tarase. “In 2022, I removed the restriction of requiring a doe.” In March of 2020, the North Royalton City Council unanimously adopted legislation that reduced the Municipal Deer Damage Control Permit fee in half. Previously, the fee was $150 and thought by many to be too high, prohibiting hunters to participate in the program.
Since the passage of the original ordinances that permit the bow hunting of the white-tailed deer within the City limits several years ago, the number of white-tailed deer has been slowly, but steadily declining. This season, a total of 45 deer were taken. Overall, the numbers have been decreasing over the past few years, with 58 deer taken last year and 82 taken the previous year. The following is the breakdown of deer taken by hunting: Ward 1, 13, compared to 21 last year and 36 the previous year; Ward 2, 2, compared to 6 last year and 10 the previous year; Ward 3, 2, compared to 4 last year and 4 the previous year; Ward 4, 0, compared to 3 last year and 2 the previous year; Ward 5, 10, compared to 11 last year and 11 the previous year; Ward 6, 18, compared to 13 last year and 18 the previous year, according to Tarase. The total number of does that was harvested were 29, compared to 29 last year and the total number of bucks harvested was 29, compared to 29 the previous year.
Over the past five years, the number of deer hunters change from year to year. In 2020, there were 97 hunters, who harvested 153 deer; in 2021, 92 hunters harvested 115 deer; in 2022, 111 hunters harvested 82 deer; in 2023, 110 hunters harvested 58 deer and last year, 107 hunters harvested 45 deer.
North Royalton Senior Animal Control Officer, George Stuart said that the number of deer complaints have definitely gone down since the inception of the program. He said that the reduction in the deer complaints is probably a mixture of factors, including the deer hunting program in North Royalton and other communities, the development of North Royalton, and the natural reduction of deer due to disease.
Those interested in participating in the bow hunting of white-tailed deer program for the 2025-26 season can apply to the city now through August 15. The proposed statewide deer hunting dates for 2025-26 for deer archery will be September 27, 2025 through February 1, 2026. Those applying for a nuisance permit can do so now until the beginning of bow hunting deer season next year. For information about the North Royalton program, you can visit the city’s website at www.northroyalton.org The Municipal Deer Control Permit Packet is located under the Important Information section.
Contributing Writer