Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church is proud to announce the installation of Pastor Alex Harris, which took place on Sunday, July 22. He joins the church as the Young Adult Pastor. He was ordained at Grace Lutheran Church in Columbus, IN (his home congregation) on Sunday, June 10. Along with preaching and the various other duties of an Associate Pastor, Pastor Harris’ primary responsibilities include overseeing junior high youth ministry, confirmation instruction, senior high youth ministry, and ministry to college students and young adults.
Royal Redeemer welcomes Pastor Alex Harris and his wife, Ashley, to the area!
As a church with nearly 3,000 members, Royal Redeemer focuses on building relationships, raising strong families, and staying connected to the community through the love God offers all people in Jesus Christ. In addition, they have a nationally-accredited school where hundreds of children, from age 2 through grade 8, learn to thrive in and outside of the classroom. For additional information, visit or
Pastor Alex Harris joins Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church
Royalton Recorder Pastor Alex Harris joins Royal Redeemer Lutheran ChurchAug 7, 2018