The first meeting of the North Royalton Board of Education took place on Monday, January 13.
School Superintendent Greg Gurka recognized the North Royalton Board of Education, as a part of Board Recognition Month. “As you know, January is School Board Recognition month,” said Gurka. “Being a Board member is a rather thankless job and one in which you will not get wealthy at. In reality, it basically is a volunteer position.” He noted that volunteers are not paid because they are worthless, but because they are priceless. A video was then shown that highlighted the student’s appreciation of the Board of Education.
A resolution was approved by the Board to oppose the State of Ohio’s EdChoice Scholarship (Voucher) Program.
The Tax Budget was presented by North Royalton School Treasurer, Biagio Sidoti. The Board then adopted the Fiscal Year 2021 Tax Budget.
The Board approved the following 2019-20 appropriation adjustments:
General Fund (CVCC Grant Allocation) from $53,104,555.42 to $53,134,555.42
Permanent Improvement (Bond Refunding) from $1,038,973.88 to $3,653,972.88
Other Local Grants (Increased Revenue) from $98,312.26 to $142,986.60
IDEA Par B Spec. Ed. (Allocation Change) from $1,090,866.62 to $1,134,230.76
Title I (Allocation Change) from $351,431.08 to $370,706.33
Early Childhood (Allocation Change) from $28,807.33 to $28,808.46
Improving Teacher Quality (Allocation Change) from $99,496.22 to $101,420.19
The Board adopted the Classified Substitute Salary Schedule effective January 14, 2020.
Gurka reported that the construction on the elementary school site has been ongoing, even through the winter, saying that a lot more is being done than anticipated. “A lot more work is being done sooner, so we’re hoping that will keep us on schedule or even ahead of schedule and we’ll be able to get the keys sooner, rather than later, but we’re still talking 2021.”
The Board approved an agreement between the city of North Royalton and the North Royalton School District regarding the School Resource Officer. Board President John Kelly thanked the city for being cooperative and supportive of this position.
The Board recognized Public Education Week, January 26 to February 1, 2020.
The Board approved participation with the Positive Education Program for consultation and support services, as needed, for the 2019-20 school year.
The Board approved the 2019-20 edition of The Interagency Agreement regarding the Provision of Service Delivery and Transition for Young Children and Families.
The Board approved an agreement with Athletic Performance Training Center for strength and conditioning program service.
The Board accepted the retirement of Donald Orszag.
The Board accepted the following resignations:
Allen DeLambo/Auditorium-Utility Maintenance/High School/effective January 13, 2020
Daniel Foldesy/Middle School Wrestling Coach/effective December 20, 2019
Cynthia Minnick/High School/Cafeteria Worker/effective January 13, 2020
The Board approved the change of assignment, effective for the 2019-20 school year for Susan Charles from Aide at the High School to nine-month Secretary at the High School, effective January 13, 2020.
The Board approved the following leaves of absence:
Jessica Granger/effective January 28, 2020 (.5) through February 6, 2020
Leah Murphy/effective February 3, 2020 through May 29, 2020
Elaine Roba/effective February 10, 2020 through February 21, 2020
Beth Thomas/effective January 13, 2020 through May 29, 2020
The Board approved the following supplemental contracts:
Mario Francescone/Bowling Club Advisor/Middle School
Steven Sprunger/Intramural Worker/Middle School
Katherine Zamborsky/Bowling Club Advisor/Middle School
The Board unanimously accepted and acknowledged the following gifts and donations:
“-A donation of $2,134 was given to the Caring Closet at North Royalton High School from a holiday community fund-raiser.
-Gearin’ Up LLC donated $189 to the Winter Sports Club at North Royalton Middle School for the upcoming family ski trip.
-Papandreas Orthodontics donated $1,000 to North Royalton Middle School for the Challenge Day Program.
-The Kramer family of North Royalton donated several boxes of school supplies to the District, which were dispersed among our buildings.”
The next regularly scheduled Board of Education Meeting will take place on Monday, February 10, at 7 p.m. at the Royal View Gymnasium.
Contributing Writer
School Board News
Royalton Recorder School Board NewsJan 28, 2020