The April meeting of the North Royalton Board of Education took place virtually on Monday, April 13.
The Board approved the following 2019-20 appropriation adjustments:
551 Title III – LEP fund from $21,583.43 to $23,394.53
572 Title 1 fund from $370,706.33 to $381,782.21
590 Improving Teacher Quality fund from $101,420.19 to $106,115.76
599 Miscellaneous Federal Grants from $24,828.72 to $25,467.42
Melissa Vojta, Director of Curriculum and Instruction gave a presentation on the local graduation seals, noting that the state has required districts to make changes to graduation requirements over the past several years. In addition to the state requirements, students must complete local requirements of completing 21 credits in specific courses, their senior portfolio and exit interview process.
North Royalton School Superintendent, Greg Gurka gave updates on the online learning, which have been taking place since mid-March. “The burden of changing the curriculum in such a quick amount of time was daunting, not only for our staff, but for teachers across the state. But, I’ll say that I’m very proud of how our teachers are reacting with what they have been implementing. Our teachers are utilizing their Google Classrooms to either post their assignments, post recorded lessons, or they are conducting virtual classrooms, like Google Hangouts or like the Zoom meetings, like we are doing here. Our technology department has been actively working with both parents and students to get technology into the hands of students who need it and to also provide support for technology issues that are arising during this time.” (See School Contingency Plan article) Gurka also discussed House Bill 197, passed the last week in March, giving release to schools and business affected by the Corona Virus. It gives permission for distance learning in schools that are not normally operating as e-schools. It also allows for public bodies to conduct virtual meetings. It eliminates all state testing requirements and that the Ohio Board of Education will not issue a state report card for this school year that would rate data from that testing. With the third grade reading requirement, the bill puts the power of whether the student passes to fourth grade in the hands of the district and teacher. It also allows the district to issue a diploma to students who have successfully completed the criteria up the third quarter of the school year, although students must complete all fourth quarter assignments in order to comply with graduation requirements. Gurka also recognized the district’s food department for all the great work they are doing, providing meals for the students.
Assistant School Superintendent, Jim Presot gave an update on the school construction projects, which continue, as construction is considered an essential business.
The Board approved a contingency plan for the 2019-20 School year in the event the schools are closed for more than the hours permitted under board policy and state law. (See District Contingency Plan article)
The Board acknowledged the following appreciation weeks: Administrative Professionals Day, April 22; Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week, May 4-8, stating that “The Board appreciates the outstanding efforts of all employees of North Royalton City Schools and commends them for ‘making the difference’ in providing a quality educational experience by inspiring and empowering learners.”
The Board approved the locally defined Community Service, Student Engagement and Fine and Performing Arts graduation seals as part of the Ohio graduation requirements for earning a diplomat, serving as a graduation pathway option for the classes of 2020-22 and a part of the permanent requirements for the class of 2023 and beyond.
The Board accepted/amended the following retirements:
Linda Cox/Aide/Royal View/effective May 31, 2020
Walter DeMattie/High School English/effective June 30, 2020
Amend Elizabeth Radtke’s retirement effective date to May 30, 2020
Trudy Skelton/Middle School Science/effective May 31, 2020
The board approved/amended the following leaves of absences:
Amend Corey Durichko from March 26, 2020 through May 1, 2020
Jessica Granger/effective March 21, 2020 through May 31, 2020
Amend Lauryn Mewhinney from March 27, 2020 through April 9, 2020
Lynn Sperber/effective May 4, 2020 through May 29, 2020
The Board accepted and acknowledge the following gifts/donations:
-Dan Langshaw donated a book, valued at $4.99, to the Royal View Elementary library.
The next regular Board of Education meeting will take place on Monday, May 11. Check with the North Royalton School District website,, for up-to-date information regarding that meeting.
Contributing Writer
School Board News
Royalton Recorder School Board NewsApr 29, 2020