The December meeting of the North Royalton Board of Education took place on Monday, December 14. The Board set January 11, 2021 at 7 p.m., as the time for the Organizational Meeting. The 2021 Tax Budget Hearing will be part of the regular January 11 meeting at 7 p.m.
The Board authorized the treasurer to request advances on 2021 tax settlements.
The Board appointed Dr. John Kelly as President Pro Tempore for the January 7 Board of Education special meeting work session and the January 11 meeting.
The Board approved the following 2019-20 appropriation adjustments:
– 467 Student Wellness and Success Fund (increased funding), from $82,156.23 to $186,282.23
– 401 Auxiliary Funds (carryover), from $1,008,572.78 to $1,067,749.16.
The Board unanimously adopted certain notices in connections with a proposed tax increment financing (TIF) arrangement by the City, regarding Omni, LSF North Royalton, LLC. According to the agreement, the city is required by Ohio law to give notice of the proposed exemption to potentially affected school districts no less than 14 days before approving the TIF ordinance, unless the Board of Education adopts a resolution waiving its rights to receive the notice. North Royalton School District Treasurer, Biagio Sidoti, said that in accordance with the agreement, “we are waiving our rights to receive this notice.”
North Royalton School Superintendent Greg Gurka talked about plans to return students to the classroom in January. “We will still be monitoring the conditions in our county and in our region.” That plan will go on unless the county is in the purple county level and will then stay in the remote learning stage. He also noted that if in purple, athletics and extracurricular activities would then be suspended.
Gurka went on to say that the district is looking to have an open house for the new construction, possibly sometime at the end of February/early March. More information will be forthcoming. He noted that students will be in the new elementary building in August. “It really is a beautiful site,” he said.
Gurka reported that Kindergarten registration begins on February 1, for the 21-22 school year.
Gurka then stated, “I just want to announce to the community that I will be retiring from the North Royalton City School District at the end of this school year.” (See Gurka to Retire article)
The Board accepted the following resignations/retirements:
Sean Drvenkar/ High School Ski Club Advisor/effective December 9, 2020
Lee Ann Morris/effective May 29, 2021
The Board amended the following leave of absence: Cancel leave for Jacqulynn Cox, effective November 25, 2020 through December 15, 2020
The Board approved the following certificated/licensed and classified employees, effective 2020-21 school year:
Certified Substitutes
Gracie Baker
Crystal Davidson
Classified Substitute
Stacy Ciora
Contributing Writer
School Board News
Royalton Recorder School Board NewsJan 12, 2021