The North Royalton Board of Education’s monthly School Board meeting took place on Thursday, February 13.
The Board approved the following 2024-25 appropriation adjustments: Fund 16-9025 IDEA-B, from $1,027,737.98 to $1,039,988.50; Fund 551-9025 Title III Language, from $44,329.97 to $44,570.77; Fund 551-9125 Title III Immigrant, from $3,878.61 to $3,899.68; Fund 572-9025 Title I-A, from $421,542.27 to $424,096.51; Fund 590-9025 Title II-A, from $91,874.27 to $94,078.48.
The Board recognized the retirement of Maria Hebebrand and Deborah Savage. They also accepted the following resignation and retirement:
Kenneth Ward/Bus Driver/Transportation/effective January 24, 2025
Julie Bogden/Director of Pupil Services/effective January 1, 2026 (last day of work will be December 31, 2025)
Jacqulynn Cox/Library Clerk/effective December 1, 2023 (last day worked was November 3, 2023)
Gerald Niemira/Bus Driver/Transportation/effective July 1, 2025 (last day of work will be June 5, 2025)
Sharon Vonderau/Cafeteria Worker/effective June 1, 2025 (last day of work will be May 30, 2025)
The Board approved/amended the following leave of absence:
George Kostelac/Bus Monitor/effective January 7, 2025 through February 21, 2025
The Board approved the following appointments:
Classified Employees
Jamie Clark/Bus Monitor/Transportation/effective January 22, 2025
Stephanie Peabody/Cafeteria Worker/High School/effective February 3, 2025
Aziz Sabuwala/Bus Driver/Transportation/effective February 12, 2025
Classified Substitutes
Anzhela Ardashova/effective January 15, 2025
Zachary Persuric/effective February 11, 2025
Kelly Tarnowski/effective January 23, 2025
The Board approved/amended the following for supplemental contracts for the 2024-25 school year, or as indicated, as needed, salary on schedule:
NRHS Assistant Baseball Coach Bryan Bielak
NRHS Assistant Baseball Coach James Hoover
NRHS Assistant Baseball Coach Mitchell Kern
NRHS Assistant Softball Coach Karen Whitely
NRHS Assistant Softball Coach Ashley Andexler
High School Assistant Softball Coach Sarah Andexler
NRHS Assistant Tennis Coach Andrew Biegacki
NRHS Assistant Track Coach David Marhefka
NRHS Assistant Track Coach Sean Drvenkar
NRHS Assistant Track Coach Nicholas Woods
NRHS Assistant Track Coach Michael Nary
High School Assistant Track Coach Eliot Pennell
NRHS Assistant Track Coach William Cummins
NRHS Assistant Track Coach Douglas Steiger
Lead Middle School (MS) Track Coach Christopher Connelly
Middle School Track Coach Charles Tesar
MS Track Coach Dean Chuppa
MS Track Coach Donald Filips
MS Track Coach Steven Sprunger
MS Track Coach Douglas Zimlich
MS Track Coach Jill Garman
MSTrack Coach Mia Engelke
Samantha Nichol/Student Council Advisor/Middle School/1/2 contract/effective March 1, 2025
The Board approved the athletic workers personal service contracts for Athletic Workers Sean Fitzgerald, Riley Ward
Security/Auxiliary Officers Adrian Brad, Michael Kupec
Boys Youth Football Camp (June 9-11, 2025) John Barlock, Cory Brady, Nicholas Ciulli, Michael Colabianchi, Matthew DelVecchio, Ryan Drvenkar, Brian Fox, Michael Glaser, James Hoover, Michael Kinney, Gregg Krause, Paul Salyards, Roel Seballos Brian Smith, Joseph Taylor, Matthew Turk, Aaron Wheeler, Douglas Zimlich.
The Board approved the appointment of the following Safety Town Instructors:
Session I (June 9-20, 2025 – no classes on 6/19), Susanna Schwab, Lead Teacher; Session II (June 23-July 3, 2025), Susanna Schwab, Lead Teacher.
The Board approved the agreement with the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center for a paid student internship from January 23, 2025 through May 22, 2025, for four (4) hours per day at a rate of $16.00 per hour: Evan Barnett.
The Board approved the policies included in the North East Ohio Learning Center (NEOLA) Update Volume 43 #1.
The Board approved Jackie Arendt as delegate and Lisa Shuck as alternate to the Ohio School Boards Association’s Annual Capital Conference, to be held November 16-18, 2025.
The Board approved an agreement with the Educational Service Center of Northeast Ohio’s Governing Board Primary Service Agreement.
The Board approved an agreement with GPD Group for architectural services for the North Royalton High School boiler replacement for the amount of $26,150.
The Board approved a resolution that approves a settlement agreement of the mediated claims against Summit 360, Incorporated, relating to the April 16, 2019 purchase of certain technology equipment from Summit.
The Board approved a resolution authorizing the administration to enter into a contract for the North Royalton Middle School interior renovation with Sona Construction, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $1,100,000, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
The Board approved the renewal membership in the Ohio High School Athletic Association for the 2025-26 school year.
The Board approved the 2025-26 North Royalton High School Course Catalog.
The Board approved an updated contract with Learnwell for educational session reports to be included.
The Board approved a new 2024-25 Classified Employee Work Calendar, including 11-Month Office Secretary (Middle School Athletics).
The Board approved certain parental transportation contracts for students attending schools where bus transportation is not provided, effective for the 2024-25 school year.
The Board approved the following extended trip proposal:
Orlando, Florida – Disney (March 30 – April 4, 2026 Spring Break) North Royalton High School Band
The Board approved and acknowledged the following gifts and donations:
-Katherine and David Alouani donated $100 to North Royalton Middle School for the eighth-grade trip to Washington, D.C.
-Kathryn and Timothy Heimann donated $50 to North Royalton Middle School for the eighth-grade trip to Washington, D.C.
-The following families donated a combined total amount of $1,300 to North Royalton Middle School for the eighth-grade trip to Washington, D.C.: Baumann, Adair, Fistek, Amburn, Costello, Evans, Antonelli, Politsky, Christensen, Errich, Sarich, Kully, Madzia, Holtz, Michaels, Libby, Kolis, Dougherty, and Trevoriod.
-The North Royalton Democratic Club donated $515 to North Royalton Middle School for the eighth-grade trip to Washington, D.C.
-The Mercurio family donated $100 to North Royalton Middle School for the eighth-grade trip to Washington, D.C.
-Joseph Brown of North Royalton donated an xylophone and mallets, valued at approximately $250, to the music department at North Royalton High School.
-Marsha Shroka donated school supplies, valued at approximately $100 to North Royalton Middle School.
The next regular Meeting will be held on March 6, at 5:30 p.m. at the North Royalton High School Community Room.

Contributing Writer