The 117th commencement of North Royalton High School began with practice in the school gym on June 1. All 332 students attended this practice. The gym was set up exactly the way the seating was on stage at the State Theater. Everyone knew their place in line and how to move to the correct row and seat.
On Friday, June 2, all graduates took a final school bus ride from the school gym to the State Theater. Graduates and teachers milled around and conversed backstage while the orchestra played a medley of tunes while families found their seats. Senior members of the orchestra were dressed in their caps and gowns of purple and gold, playing their instruments as they have been over the past four years. They knew the score. The Beatles tribute ended, the orchestra took a bow, then the seniors left to join their classmates backstage. Within minutes the curtain rose, and the Ohio Army National Guard presented the American flag to the playing of the National Anthem. The Color Guard then retired the colors. The music changed to provide just enough pomp for the circumstance as moms and dads, siblings, and grandparents were thrilled at the sight of the graduates taking their seats. Here and there moms dabbed their eyes from tears of joy and pride, just like they did for the first day of kindergarten.
Class of 2023 President, Colin Finnecy, welcomed everyone and introduced the student speakers. Makena Shroka and Lillian Putnam acknowledged and thanked their parents, mentors, teachers, fellow students, and all those people who helped everyone to get to this threshold of adulthood. School Superintendent Michael Laub recognized those students going into the military and then thanked all military in the audience. Superintendent Laub advised the graduates, “The greatest teacher is failure, you learn by doing and making mistakes and it’s only failure if you give up.” Board President Dr. John Kelly, told the students they were in charge of their own destiny by deciding who influenced them. It’s like they are driving their own school bus of life, only they get to decide what kind of people get on the bus and how they influence the driver. The one who knew the students the best was Principal Sean Osborne; he reminded the graduates to be good people. Later on he mused, “Every year I reflect on how our students will be as they go out into the world, and I feel good about the future of this community and this country. Our students are motivated, hardworking, accepting of others and will most definitely make the world a better place.”
Then it was time to announce each graduate as they received their diploma. Suddenly, members of the North Royalton Class of 2023 were alumni. Remember the world owes you nothing, but you owe the world your optimism, your innovation, and your failures, your perseverance, your compassion, and service. Congratulations and Best Wishes for good lives as good people.

Contributing Writer