Moms have always worn many hats: caregiver, chef, personal assistant, therapist, party planner, chauffer, tutor, housekeeper, activities coordinator, human resources manager; and that’s just inside the home, outside of the workplace. She’s recently added more titles to her daily juggling act: Zoom meeting coordinator, homeschool teacher, Internet usage monitor, online appointment scheduler, prison guard, referee, infectious disease specialist, in-home caregiver, masked superhero.
As Ohioans wait with bated breath for the state’s Stay at Home order to cease and subside, we can still find ways to celebrate moms this upcoming Mother’s Day, May 10. We may not be taking her to her favorite breakfast spot or booking her a day of salon pampering, so we must do what moms everywhere do best – find ways to make it work.
Breakfast in Bed
This Mother’s Day tradition doesn’t really need to be touched, but if your family is looking to shake things up, try hosting breakfast in the dining room with tableware you’d normally reserve for holidays or doctoring up an old recipe (a waffle bar with toppings, omelets as opposed to the same-old scrambled eggs). Even a new coffee blend or creamer can do the trick – we tired moms aren’t picky. If breakfast isn’t really her thing, plan a special lunchtime meal or dinner in. And you better give mom a break on dishes and clean-up.
Time Alone
With everyone at home 24/7, there’s not much space to spend a few precious moments alone. Though we love our families dearly, there’s only so much hiding in the bathroom we can do, so make a concentrated effort to leave mom alone for a bit on Mother’s Day so she can recharge her batteries and enjoy some much-needed me-time.
Bring the Salon Home
Stock up on bubble bath, face masks, manicure sets, a fuzzy robe, cozy slippers and scented candles for an in-home spa day. Though we’ve all been spending way too much time in our jammies, consider buying mom a luxurious new pair – the holiday flannel pants she’s been wearing all day are getting worn.
Coordinate a Video Chat
If you haven’t done so already, take advantage of free conferencing apps like Zoom, Google Hangout and Jitsi to set up a Mother’s Day video chat with relatives you can’t physically be with such as Grandma or a favorite Aunt or cousin. Make special signs and displays for participants to see and talk about.
Get Gardening
Mid-May typically marks the start of home gardening season, so treat Mom to some new plants, pots and gardening tools and get digging. Add some arts-and-crafts into the mix with DIY garden markers, signs and other low-key projects like fairy garden kits or birdfeeders. Even something as simple as painting rocks to place in your garden can be special.
Take a Stroll
It’s common knowledge that exercise and time outdoors packs with it a multitude of benefits. If Mother’s Day temps are pleasant enough, consider a family walk outside. If you can’t get to a park, a walk around the neighborhood will do just fine.
These past few weeks have been life-changing to say the least. If all else fails this Mother’s Day, spend some of the day reflecting on old memories, flipping through family photos, sharing stories and thinking of moms we may have lost along the way. So often we look to our mothers for guidance and the wisdom that everything will be alright. Though we may be celebrating differently, the day still holds intangible meaning. When I’m feeling down and can’t see a solution, I’ll call my mom to hear her simple message: “Don’t worry, Sara-girl, better days are coming.”
Better days are coming, readers. Happy Mother’s Day!
Contributing Writer
Celebrate Mom in these trying times
Royalton Recorder Celebrate Mom in these trying timesApr 29, 2020