One of North Royalton High School’s (NRHS) most appreciated and valued traditions is the publication of “Inkwell,” a literary magazine celebrating excellence in student writing, art and photography. On December 12, the 2019 edition was unveiled and celebrated in a room filled with family, friends, teachers and staff. Royal Harmony began the evening by singing a medley of holiday songs.
English/language arts teacher and “Inkwell” advisor Stacie Leatherman welcomed everyone and shared how fortunate the students at NRHS are because not every school offers an opportunity like this to be published in a magazine very similar in style to collegiate and professional literary magazines. “We have so many wonderful opportunities for band, choir and theatre at our high school, and this is a chance for our writers and artists, those in the ‘quieter arts,’ meaning those who work more individually, to shine,” said Leatherman.
“Inkwell” is a full-color magazine, more than 90 pages long, filled with artwork, photography and various forms of writing from NRHS students. High school students are encouraged to submit their pieces in the fall and then students in the creative writing classes read and select the stories, poems, and artwork to be published in the magazine.
This year’s magazine featured more than 100 pieces of work with the cover showcasing a watercolor painting by senior Megan Spisak.
Artists featured in the 2019 “Inkwell” magazine include: Alyssa Barbeck, Paige Boldt, Kate Brierley, Gabrielle Brihn, Bri Bucci, Frankie DeLorenzo, Zoe Douglas, Sydney Frydryk, Dorian Harmatiy, Harikrishnan Kasi, Sakthi Kasi, Emma Kelley, John Kolosionek, Radha Mamidi, Ilysa McCoy, Pankti Mehta, Anjali Patel, Aleesha Shamblin, Megan Spisak and Colin Weitzner.
Writers featured in the 2019 “Inkwell” magazine include: Alyssa Barbeck, Kate Brierley, Gabrielle Brihn, Isabella Carlucci, Jude Carver, Makayla Clark, Zoe Douglas, Dedeepya Duppi, Vincent Fink, Jaret Gold, Emilee Greathouse, Cara Humes, Sakthi Kasi, Taylor Matlock, Kellen McAllister, Serena Mraz, Anjali Patel, Rebecca Pavelich, Julia Rouge, Megan Spisak, Jude Stanley, John Young and Yana Zub.
Once students select works to include in the publication, a panel of English teachers recognizes a few pieces for further recognition. A cover art prize is awarded, as well as poetry prizes. Writers receive gift cards to local bookstores, and the artist receives a gift card to Michael’s Restaurant. Judges’ comments are also presented to the audience, offering a literary commentary on why the works resonated with the judges and were considered exceptional. These awards were given to Kate Brierley, Poetry; Gabrielle Brihn, Poetry Honorable Mention; Becca Pavelich, Poetry Honorable Mention; and Megan Spisak, Cover.
The community can view the “Inkwell” release celebration at
“The first time I submitted to Inkwell it was my junior year and I submitted several poems and photographs. I have always had a passion for writing and capturing the world around me through words, a camera lens, or pen to paper. I believe that the power of art touches the creator but also the audience that gets to experience it. Art is so subjective and can be interpreted differently so an individual can experience it in a personal way. With this being said, I felt the need to share the work that I was proud of. Perhaps my work could spark healing, joy, or thoughts in another person. With delight, my pieces of work were accepted and I had the privilege to join a talented, artistic community.”
— Kate Brierley, Senior, Creative Writing Class, North Royalton High School
Poetry winner and also submitted art to “Inkwell”
“One of the most valuable experiences I had with being involved with “Inkwell” was the importance of rejection. If some of my work didn’t make it in, I learned how I could revise it to make it better. Another valuable experience I had was being able to read through everyone’s work and see the vast amount of topics that people chose to write about and how people used their words to create beautiful pieces of art.”
— Alyssa Barbeck
Art and writing submissions to “Inkwell”
North Royalton High School student writers and artists showcased in school’s “Inkwell” Magazine
Royalton Recorder North Royalton High School student writers and artists showcased in school’s “Inkwell” MagazineJan 28, 2020