Padua Franciscan High School’s Figure Skating Team won the Ohio High School Team Figure Skating Championship on Sunday, February 6, at Thornton Park in Shaker Heights. They claimed their tenth state title in school history. (Past championship years include: 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2011, 2010 and 2008.)
This year in addition to winning overall first place, Padua also took first place in the Production Ensemble event, in which teams of eight or more skaters performed a themed group number. The team performed to music from Mamma Mia. The numbers are judged on illustration of character, music interpretation, costuming and audience appeal.
Overall, the Lady Bruins won 38 medals in 46 events. The girls earned 19 gold medals, 12 silver and 7 bronze. Padua’s top high school skaters were Alexis Martin ’24, Vivian Gabbard ’22, and Ava Schmidt ’25. Top middle school skaters were Addalyn Schmidt ’27 and Abbey Kubit ’26.
“I am so incredibly proud of all of the girls for their hard work,” said senior co-captain Emily Cole ’22. “So much goes into the routines that go unnoticed behind the scenes such as props, music editing, costume changes, etc., and it’s just so rewarding to watch it all come together.”
Padua’s head coach is Alex (Miranda) Babb ’11. The assistant coaches, Allison (Margevicius) Vega ’10 and Alexis (Hipkins) Flinn ’10, have been part of the successful program, since its inception in 2007, along with team manager Lori Margevicius, a resident of North Royalton.
“Our coaches and team manager are the reasons that we were able to win this tenth state title,” said senior co-captain Vivian Gabbard ’22. “I’ve seen some disappointments and some big wins throughout my six years on the team, but nothing compares to this year. It was such a special way to leave such a special program and an amazing team.”
“Win number ten was elusive, making it that much more memorable. I think this is the closest group of skaters we have had. The girls worked hard and represented Padua well, so I am super proud of them. Of course, we couldn’t do what we do without the support of Padua’s administration. President David Steck, Principal Bob DiRocco, and Athletic Director Kevin Leigh have always believed in our program, allowing it to blossom over the past 16 seasons. We are very blessed to have their support!” said Lori Margevicius.
With each new state title earned, the program has become more popular. They receive year-round inquiries from area skaters and their parents about when their daughters, and occasionally their sons, can join the team as junior varsity members, during seventh and eighth grade. For more information, contact Lori Margevicius at or Director of Recruitment Katie DeAngelo ’08 at