North Royalton takes Silver in 2018 high school rankings
North Royalton High School earned a silver medal in the U.S. News & World Report’s 2018 Best High Schools rankings, which is earned by only about 11% of high schools across the country. According to the study done by U.S. News & World Report, North Royalton High School ranked 114 in Ohio high schools, in a list containing 832 Ohio high schools. The national magazine reviewed 20,548 schools, where North Royalton ranked 2,031. The data was based on the 2015-2016 school year. The national rankings were based on a three-step process. The first two steps used state proficiency tests as be ....
School Levy Aimed for November Ballot
The North Royalton Board of Education unanimously adopted a resolution that is the first step in placing a levy on the November Ballot. The levy will consolidate the district’s three emergency operating levies that are set to expire in 2019, 2020 and 2022. The consolidation of the levies will then take the form of a renewal that will be “at no additional cost to homeowners,” according to North Royalton School District Treasurer, Biagio Sidoti. The levy would incorporate a $6,700,000 levy that was originally passed on May 5, 2009, a $6,695,000, passed on May 4, 2010 and a $4,395,000 levy ....
BMV changes driver’s license procedures
Starting July 2, there will be changes in the procedures on obtaining a driver’s license. The changes are being made to comply with federal regulations and ensure greater security and identification protection. In the past, if one is renewing a license, they would bring in their own license, take an eye test, get their picture taken, answer a few questions and leave with a brand new license. The only change in that scenario, starting July 2, is that the license will not be available at that time, but will be mailed, usually within ten days. A temporary license will be issued at the time of ....
Graduates ready for next step in their lives
“Dream big and work hard. Don’t sell yourself short. Your goals should be so big they scare you.” That’s the advice Jack Nemetz has for next year’s graduating class of 2019. As Vice President of the North Royalton High School Senior Class of 2018, Nemetz is nothing short of a student leader. He walked the State Theatre stage at Playhouse Square on June 1, along with more than 380 of his classmates in receiving their high school diplomas. It was North Royalton High School’s 112th Annual Commencement Ceremony. “As Senior Class Vice President, I was responsible for the pl ....
North Royalton Schools specialty license plate now available
North Royalton City Schools now has its own specialty license plate! Customers may purchase the plate beginning June 3 online at or at their local deputy registrar office. There will be an additional charge of $40 on top of the original costs for the plate -- $10 to be used by the BMV for administrative purposes and $30 to be directly earmarked to the North Royalton City Schools. Purchasers of the plates shall remain anonymous from any school database unless they complete a consent form to release their information to the schools. The $30 from ....