Grants will fund new gear for NRFD

Some good news in the form of grant funding for the North Royalton Fire Department has been realized recently by the city. Two grants will help compensate for purchases made for the department. A grant from the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) has been awarded. In addition, the city will benefit from a grant from the 2016 Urban Area Security Initiative through Cuyahoga County. “We try as hard as we can with the resources we can find to obtain added funding,” said Fire Chief Bob Chegan. “I’m always looking to see what’s it going to do for my city, either directly or indir ....

Apr 24, 2018

School facilities design updated with residents’ feedback

Residents gathered at the High School Performing Arts Center on Monday, March 26, to view the initial design of the school facilities projects. These designs, although not final, are a compilation of the feedback received from residents and staff at the January 3 meeting, where interactive exercises were given by project architects ThenDesign Architecture (TDA) . The meeting was held to see how the community responded to the initial design. A question and answer period then took place and guests were able to utilize virtual reality goggles, which showed a 360 degree view of some upcoming featu ....

Apr 9, 2018

Chamber marks 100 years of service – The Early Years 1944 - 1950

The Royalton Recorder carried a feature called “Sally’s Letters to G. I. Joe.” It was a little corner of the front page. Some bits and pieces of news from Royalton, just enough to clip and tuck in a letter to the fathers, brothers, and sons that were fighting in Europe, North Africa, and the Pacific on their way to Japan. By the end of 1944 there was renewed hope that the war would end, “soon.” Still, there was a lot of fighting ahead. Dr. J. G. Rosenbaum, founder of the Recorder, went to the service as did so many young guys from Royalton. The Chamber of Commerce chugged along suppo ....

Apr 9, 2018

Children brave the freezing cold in hunt of Easter eggs

Mother Nature can’t stop the Easter Bunny. Despite frigid 30-degree temperatures and bursts of cold wind gusts, hundreds of children lined Memorial Park on March 25 for the annual North Royalton Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt. Dressed more for a day of playing outside in the snow, the children were sent into the fenced-in playground area in increments of 30 to dash around collecting colorful eggs hidden by members of the North Royalton High School Key Club. A member of the Key Club also donned a furry white Easter Bunny costume and walked the grounds visiting with children and their families and p ....

Apr 9, 2018

Union contracts with city have stalled

Although the city continues to negotiate with its various unions, the Firefighters Union negotiations have been stalled. All of the city’s union contracts expired on December 31, 2017. The unions represented in the city include the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #15 (Patrol, Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #15 (Sergeants), Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #15 (Corrections), Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #15 (Clerical/Animal Control), International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO, Local 2156 and the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Ohio Council 8, Loc ....

Apr 9, 2018