NRHS wins 2018 Drug Education School Challenge Award
The Drug Education School Challenge (D.E.S.C.) Award was presented this year for the first time at the 111th Ohio PTA Annual Convention on April 22, in collaboration with the Cuyahoga County Opiate Task Force Education Subcommittee and Ohio PTA. The purpose of the award is to publicly recognize leadership schools throughout Ohio that are providing comprehensive drug education, prevention and intervention programs for both students and parents. This year’s main underwriting sponsor was The Sherwin Williams Company. The first place D.E.S.C. Award went to North Royalton High School, located in ....
City receives grant for cemetery update
The city recently received word that they will receive funding for some improvements to one of its cemeteries. Community Development Director Tom Jordan said that the cemetery upgrades were included in a grant application for a Capital Grant Request to the State of Ohio. The city will receive $100,000 of the $580,000 it asked for. North Royalton’s main cemetery has been targeted for a sprucing up over the past few years by the City administration and projects the renovation to be completed this summer. The cemetery is located at 6170 Royalton Road, and is one of two cemeteries in North Roya ....
City receives grant for cemetery update
The city recently received word that they will receive funding for some improvements to one of its cemeteries. Community Development Director Tom Jordan said that the cemetery upgrades were included in a grant application for a Capital Grant Request to the State of Ohio. The city will receive $100,000 of the $580,000 it asked for. North Royalton’s main cemetery has been targeted for a sprucing up over the past few years by the City administration and projects the renovation to be completed this summer. The cemetery is located at 6170 Royalton Road, and is one of two cemeteries in North Roya ....
Kids’ summertime fun - North Royalton style
Fostering pride and love for one’s community begins at home and this summer, there’s never been a better time to show our youngest residents the many things that make North Royalton truly great. The city officially turns 200-years-old this summer, so why not make the kids’ summer vacation all about enjoying local activities and feeling more connected to their hometown? To help, Mayor Robert Stefanik, a grandfather of three, provided his summertime activity favorites. Tape this activity list to the fridge and challenge your family to try them all. And since we’re fans of keeping things ....
Abbey Road closed until Fall for bridge construction
Motorists may have to alter their plan to travel on Abbey Road near the Sprague Road intersection. A portion of Abbey Road is closed to the through traffic of motorists effective May 1, due to bridge construction. The construction is being done through Cuyahoga County. The bridge, which spans the Baldwin Creek and located just south of Sprague Road will be removed in order to replace a box beam that is located under it. The project, funded through the County Motor Vehicle License Tax Fund, will cost about $440,000. The money that makes up that fund comes from a permissive tax, collected as a ....