Rt. 82 widening has begun at West 130

The start of the widening of the remaining portion of Rt. 82 through North Royalton has finally begun. Phase 1 of the project, from just east of West 130 Street to just east of Abbey Road is currently underway, according to Community Development Director Tom Jordan. The overall project will convert the current Rt. 82 area from a two lane road to a three lane road, with 6 foot sidewalks and seven-foot tree lawns on each side, as well as two 15-foot lanes and an 11-foot turning lane, completing a span of 78 feet. The lanes will be wider than what is currently there. Residents and motorists may ....

May 21, 2018

Royalton Redeemer Servant Saturday volunteers beautify our city

“They are such a blessing. You can tell their helpful feelings come right from the heart.” Those comments were from Ingrid Zacharyj, who was one of the 40 people who had their property beautified through the efforts of the more than 300 volunteers from Royal Redeemer Lutheran Church’s Servant Saturday Program. “God tells us to go out and love him and love our neighbors. What better way than to come together as his church and help those in need,” said Pastor Dave Timm. Saturday, May 5, was a sunny morning, a good weather day to clean up flower beds, rake leaves or cut grass. “It ....

May 21, 2018

Council adds some restrictions to yard sale law

Up to this point, the city of North Royalton had no restrictions on yard sales or garage sales. Council passed legislation at its May 15 meeting that would change that. Mayor Bob Stefanik said that there were some houses that had items for sale all year round, which didn’t sit well with neighbors. “We tried to balance the ability for residents to sell items with the community desire to maintain a beautiful community image,” said Ward 4 Councilman, Paul Marnecheck. Council amended the city’s codified ordinances, Part Six General Offenses Code, Chapter 660 Safety, Sanitation and Health ....

May 21, 2018

NR City Schools names Teacher and Support Staff Person of the Year

North Royalton City Schools recognized the Teacher of the Year and Support Staff Person of the Year at the North Royalton Educational Foundation’s reception on April 24. The Teacher of the Year is Kriste Smith, who is a school counselor and department head at North Royalton High School. She is also a member of the Western Cuyahoga County School Crisis Counseling Team. “Kriste leads by example, works hard, and puts in extra time when needed, which is always,” said Superintendent Greg Gurka, North Royalton City Schools. “She is constantly trying to improve how the counseling department ....

May 7, 2018

Study finds ward redistricting not needed

Every four years, the city of North Royalton views the city’s population overall and how each ward has been affected. With the growth or decline in certain areas of the wards, the city then redistricts them in order to accommodate the shift in population, making each ward even. This has taken place since 1978. The redistricting is done in accordance with the city’s charter. According to the Charter of the city of North Royalton, “each ward shall be composed of contiguous and compact territory within the Municipality bounded by street lines and natural boundaries. Such equality of popula ....

May 7, 2018